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welcome AleX94!, btp is cool, dont be a noob though, read da faq.
07.03.06 00:25
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Orangie Orgy
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after a whole month, hasnt returned
"Hello" threads seem to be a temporary "hi, bye" epidemic here :S
07.03.06 00:32
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Quoted :: SargeTron

I learned it long ago, but str_replace is faster and I couldn't be arsed.

$your_post = preg_replace('/\[(.*)\]/', '<$1>', $your_post);

Why do you show off so much?

07.03.06 01:08
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Quoted :: Zippy

Quoted :: SargeTron

I learned it long ago, but str_replace is faster and I couldn't be arsed.

$your_post = preg_replace('/\[(.*)\]/', '<$1>', $your_post);

Why do you show off so much?

Edit: I also second that ^

SargeTron shows off so much because he's gay.
He likes to impress stupid "geeks".
I just got a boner off of his post.

07.03.06 01:49
Post #19
Last edited: 07.03.06 01:50 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Zippy

Quoted :: SargeTron

I learned it long ago, but str_replace is faster and I couldn't be arsed.

$your_post = preg_replace('/\[(.*)\]/', '<$1>', $your_post);

Why do you show off so much?

I don't know, isn't showing off supposed to be when someone does something good repeditively(sp) to gain attention?

What Sargetron's doing isn't showing off.



07.03.06 03:00
Post #20
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Atomic52

I don't know, isn't showing off supposed to be when someone does something good repeditively(sp) to gain attention?

What Sargetron's doing isn't showing off.

good? no
you probibly dont know or care, but all sarge ever talks about in conversations of nearly any kind involves something with code, internet, or databases.
He probibly thinks chicks dig guys that jack to PHP
I swear you can't get one good conversation out of this guy that doesnt have him point out useless things nobody cares
07.03.06 03:12
Post #21
Last edited: 07.03.06 03:14 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: Atomic52

I don't know, isn't showing off supposed to be when someone does something good repeditively(sp) to gain attention?

What Sargetron's doing isn't showing off.

good? no
you probibly dont know or care, but all sarge ever talks about in conversations of nearly any kind involves something with code, internet, or databases.
He probibly thinks chicks dig guys that jack to PHP
I swear you can't get one good conversation out of this guy that doesnt have him point out useless things nobody cares

Amen. He tries to show us his PHP knowledge. Woopteedoo.
Probably make more sense if he explained what some of the code he post does / means.


07.03.06 03:51
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy
I just got a boner off of his post.

Quoted :: Pioneer322
He probibly thinks chicks dig guys that jack to PHP

I swear that is hilarious. I'm not trying to be mean, but all over his stuff is like this:
"hello I am" $fakevariable;
include ('UBERFILE.php');

07.03.06 03:58
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He's trying to be funny, atleast in this situation. CLealy, he does not know that such a thing is a cleché and it's far more accepted to just say "hello" which is a cleché in itself, but is just the correct thing to do.

07.03.06 20:05
Post #24
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Quoted :: HarrY

He's trying to be funny, atleast in this situation. CLealy, he does not know that such a thing is a cleché and it's far more accepted to just say "hello" which is a cleché in itself, but is just the correct thing to do.


Oh, and, hello.
08.03.06 05:45
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