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You still probably all hate me, but I've decided to come back. Why? I don't know. All I know is (imo) I've matured alot :/. Hello again.
18.01.06 09:05
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gtfo. You came back. Then you came back again. gtfo.

18.01.06 09:13
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Quoted :: SargeTron

You still probably all hate me, but I've decided to come back. Why? I don't know.

Sure do, and why? Because you were a stuck up dick who acted as if he owned the place.



18.01.06 09:49
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"Why" was relating to me coming back. "I've decided to come back. Why?"

Sorry for the mixup.
18.01.06 09:55
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Welcome back. :D I say that on behalf of me and only me, because you know what most people seem to think of you.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
18.01.06 10:06
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thanks, bloopy :P
18.01.06 10:20
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I'll put it like this.

He isn't Kyle.

Welcome back.
19.01.06 01:47
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I'll put it like this.

I don't know him :D

Sorry about my first post, just did it because you said "everyone hates me".

19.01.06 02:00
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Believe me when I say this SargeTron, you aren't one of the most liked, but one of the most remembered. You did a lot more than annoy this site, but yet Spleet for our website, remember that? But you said you matured, so I'll hold back on being a dick then being unfair and starting to PMS.

19.01.06 02:13
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Okay, thanks everyone. I do hope I'm better than last time, looking back at my posts I really want to punch/murder/whatever myself.
19.01.06 16:04
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Looking back at your posts i wonder why you weren't permanently banned long ago...

WB, anyway. Behave well and you will be forgiven. Sin, and it will be off with your head.
19.01.06 19:10
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I think half the hatred here was orginated from the fact that you kept saying everyone hated you. Next thing you know that became 100% true.

Im neutral.

20.01.06 16:53
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21.01.06 02:19
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Sure do, and why? Because you were a stuck up dick who acted as if he owned the place.

Quoted :: Kyle225


Hey, Atomic, are you sure you're not talking about Kyle?

21.01.06 02:39
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Atomic52

Sure do, and why? Because you were a stuck up dick who acted as if he owned the place.

Quoted :: Kyle225


Hey, Atomic, are you sure you're not talking about Kyle?

I never thought I owned the place.
23.01.06 05:24
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