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ZoGgEr! used to have three arms, but lost one when he was dared to do the one thing no-one can do: sue Google.

ZoGgEr! still holds the record for eating the most sausages in five seconds.

ZoGgEr! yawned, and there was BTP.
29.01.06 11:08
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Zogger took the photo of the original "o rly" owl.



29.01.06 11:36
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The "O RLY?" Owl didn't get killed. He appeared to have gotten killed, the "O RLY?" Owl is actually safe in James Maguire's barn. That's right bitches. James Maguire saved the "O RLY?" Owl.

29.01.06 22:54
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Contrary to popular belief, BTP made Zogger.
31.01.06 20:01
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