
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » W....T.....F?!?

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Ok, Here's The Deal....

I'm happily playing my first online game with people from around the world... my young nooby days...

anyway... someguy had his go, then i had my go... then a phone came up on the top left (being the young n00b i was, i had no idea what it was) then on my top right, i saw a pic of two computers with a cross in the middle...

then one by one, my opponents surrended, then one of the guys said i fucked it up...

i'm totally lost, and then he told me to ask you guys why i'm to blame...?
07.12.05 05:00
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they're noobs.
its a connection lag, happens all the time
07.12.05 05:25
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you (or the host) probably got disconnected, as a result, everyone else dropped their connection to the game. So it appears to you that everyone else has surrendered.
07.12.05 05:43
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The phone shows that someone has posted a message in chat. The other icon is showing that someone is lagging. Press page down to open the chat menu and on the top right where the namea are listes should be a name highlighted red, that is the lagger. If they is no redness, then you lag.

07.12.05 16:44
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Найтеплiщi вiтання з Украïни!

i noticet that phone shows just before the lag and if the lag lasts then will be shown two pomputers. never phone shows after any messages in chat... but sure mb i am not right. it don't change the general idea of this thread

russian wwp+wa site
08.12.05 06:40
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Quoted :: Mr.Bad

i noticet that phone shows just before the lag and if the lag lasts then will be shown two pomputers. never phone shows after any messages in chat... but sure mb i am not right. it don't change the general idea of this thread

The phone has nothing to do with the lag. The reason why you see it more often during a lag is because people are complaining about the lag in chat. IIRC you won't see the phone if it's you who's lagging and the game only drops out if the HOST computer screws up, the game continues if it's one of the players. 8)
13.02.06 20:53
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When i finnally get inside a game, the same happens to me. Its really annoying
28.02.06 21:26
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ya it is :x:twisted::evil::evil::lol::|:mrgreen:
04.03.06 14:02
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