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Well, I've gotten my DSL connection (if you didn't know, pull your head out of the ground), so I decided to start back up Ragnarok. I looked for a few days for a nice server, and I found one. It has 3/3/2 rates (that's 3 times normal/job experience, 2 times drop rates, don't worry, it still takes a LONG time to level up). There are between 800 and 1400 people on the server (those are the highs and lows I've seen). If you want to join, you're more than welcome to.

You'll need all three files in the downloads section to play (roughly 1.7 gigs). If you join, my current character's name is Indelcio. And, even if you don't want to play, at least vote for them with the link on their site, they can use all the help they can get.

*Disappears into RO again*
31.10.05 21:56
Post #1
Last edited: 31.10.05 21:57 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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WoW ftw. any other mmo pales in comparison.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.11.05 21:19
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Indeed, World of Warcrack beats any mmorpg - by the accomplishment of the ingame world, the community, the developers, and the incredible addictiveness... Tested on meself.
04.11.05 22:37
Post #3
Last edited: 04.11.05 22:38 (Emberstrife - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Though I still refuse to pay for something once then again every month...



05.11.05 00:19
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Though I still refuse to pay for something once then again every month...

Thats why I play games like CS: S and W:A online :P


05.11.05 04:52
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Though I still refuse to pay for something once then again every month...

This server is free to play on ;).
05.11.05 15:28
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The two large files that had to be downloaded from filefront(*cringe*) just don't run, or take bloody ages to load up, and even then it's not in english! Or any language! It just showed random characters, so I gave up.

05.11.05 15:41
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Though I still refuse to pay for something once then again every month...

I agree. That's completely retarded to buy a game then pay over and over each month.
It's a good game, but no game is worth that much dough.

What are the graphics like in this game Glenn?
05.11.05 21:06
Post #8
Last edited: 05.11.05 21:06 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Two dee graphics. Anime-like. I used to have it, but it wasn't a pay monthly thing, I got the one from the Philippines for a month. Instead of paying monthly, you would buy prepaid cards and those cards would let you play. I dunno how it worked because when I first started, it was free because of a girlfriend who owned a cafe or something...

It's really addicting, but pointless.

05.11.05 21:50
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Aye, isometric sprites that are strongly realistic, chibbi(sp?) anime like style graphics. Never played it before, I always thought it was by subscription only. Will give this a try when I have the time, which I'm beginning to think doesn't exist.

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.11.05 23:24
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Try those downloads. You want the 1025 version.

And it is by subscription only, if you're playing on Gravity's servers. This is a private server. Much smaller userbase compared to Gravity's (there's at least 1000 people online all the time here compared to 10000 on the official servers).
06.11.05 00:23
Post #11
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