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Poll: When should I submit my Pepsi Pin Codes?
Collect some more during the week and submit them all next week 4 users
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I am entering a win an XBOX 360 every hour type contest and I've only got four pin codes from Pepsi (because I kept using them up once I got them.) So I decided to save them up and submit them all at one time. The problem is, should I save more up and then submit them all at once, or should I submit them now?

I really can't decide. What-chu think?

27.10.05 07:48
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Should wate.;) We have one of those competitions over here, but only it's coca-cola.. I think.:?

An image!
27.10.05 09:15
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get as many as you can and use half at once
then send the x360 you win to me kthx
27.10.05 09:17
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[]Star Worms
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Well it's not like you have more or less of a chance of winning whichever way you do it.

28.10.05 16:34
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Actually if you submit them as soon as you get them, you have less chance of losing them or forgetting about them.
29.10.05 05:14
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Well I've decided to keep them and submit them all at oncei've stuck all of them together in one pile, so it would be difficult to lose them. gl me :)

29.10.05 05:51
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Yeah gl. It's nice to know someone has taken my advise for once.:P

An image!
29.10.05 09:22
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Well I've decided to keep them and submit them all at oncei've stuck all of them together in one pile, so it would be difficult to lose them. gl me :)
Make sure it's not by the window:P

29.10.05 22:25
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Wait a while, collect more and more codes.
When you feel you have enough, submit.
IF you win, grab a hammer, and pummel all XBox consoles won.


Edit: Sorry but I really hate XBoxes


30.10.05 01:31
Post #9
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