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Poll: Would you take a quiz for BTP money, where you must answer correctly to earn it?
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[]The Pope
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Come on Meiapaul, have a go if your not a Gaul. If we both try and convince him through poerty, we might get the quiz before a sapling grows into a tree!

Learn to look, look to learn.
18.08.03 18:15
Post #31
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ok ok, i shall try, although bigger fish i have to fry. whizzybob, i would like a quiz, as they are fun, joyous and cause hair frizz :P
18.08.03 18:43
Post #32
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pixels. I go to school. They teach me about pixels. (They really did, it was the only intresting subject in science)

18.08.03 19:38
Post #33
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[]The Pope
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lol, shouldn't it be in IT or something.

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19.08.03 09:10
Post #34
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would they be under the alias of atoms?
19.08.03 11:30
Post #35
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[]The Pope
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alias? allies u mean. The Great Pixel War Machine is being built! Run Away! Retreat retreat retreat!

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.08.03 07:41
Post #36
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quick! back to the trenches! 8O
20.08.03 11:18
Post #37
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[]The Pope
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call in for support! What?! We are the only ones left! Come on Meia! Let's storm the enemy and rip their pix out and then later finish off the els.

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.08.03 11:47
Post #38
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yay! i am armed with a graphics editing package :D
20.08.03 13:23
Post #39
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[]The Pope
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Paint rubber Issue 5. 86 pixels rubbed per second!

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.08.03 14:19
Post #40
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