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Yes, I am still extensionless! Fight the urge! FIGHT THE POWER! The best two words in the English language! De-Fault! De-Fault!



18.11.05 01:50
Post #16
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Extensions rock. I have 11 of 'em and they all get used!

18.11.05 10:48
Post #17
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Did anyone notice what they posted?

"Firefox did it, it reached 100,000,000 million downloads"

100,000,000 million = 100,000,000,000,000

100 million = 100,000,000
18.11.05 21:29
Post #18
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Quoted :: C1

Did anyone notice what they posted?

"Firefox did it, it reached 100,000,000 million downloads"

100,000,000 million = 100,000,000,000,000

100 million = 100,000,000

So it's one hundred million million. Amazing. That's just insane. :O


Quoted :: My Post
18.11.05 15:46
Post #19 (-|+) 0

Quoted :: HarrY's Post
18.11.05 15:56
Post #20 (-|+) 0

Same time post :o

Edit: olol. damn contact lenses, blurring up everything...

18.11.05 22:45
Post #19
Last edited: 19.11.05 01:41 (TheAbdBoy - 2 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: C1

Did anyone notice what they posted?

"Firefox did it, it reached 100,000,000 million downloads"

100,000,000 million = 100,000,000,000,000

100 million = 100,000,000

Good detective work there, Charlie.

(Sorry, couldn't resist xD)

18.11.05 22:55
Post #20
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy


Quoted :: My Post
18.11.05 15:46
Post #19 (-|+) 0

Quoted :: HarrY's Post
18.11.05 15:56
Post #20 (-|+) 0

Same time post :o

Uh, theres a 10 minute difference ABD
Sorry, I couldn't resist either


19.11.05 00:57
Post #21
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: C1

Did anyone notice what they posted?

"Firefox did it, it reached 100,000,000 million downloads"

100,000,000 million = 100,000,000,000,000

100 million = 100,000,000

Good detective work there, Charlie.

(Sorry, couldn't resist xD)

Hahaha it's fine :P
19.11.05 20:13
Post #22
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