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Make a worm using the form.

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We are trying to conquer the enemy team. We are currently residing in a Holy-Hand-Grenade-hole and are somehow being pushed backwards. General BB is against the war, and has comitted suicide, so its up to us. Solders are the enemy and we must win, no matter what!

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05.10.05 18:39
Post #1
Last edited: 06.10.05 13:42 (Wormo - 3 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Wormo

He has won several wars.

What? Single handedly?

05.10.05 19:02
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Name: Nomad
Description: Sandy-coloured cloak and tunic, horned helmet, long sharp claws, and a lizard-like tail.
Fav. Weapon: All antuiqe (sp?) weapons (Ming vases, carpet bombs, holy grenades)
Weakness: Guns.
Bio/Story: Has been an agent to a mysterious worms gang all his life.
06.10.05 09:55
Post #3
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: Wormo

He has won several wars.

What? Single handedly?

Not funny. Anyway, what did I say about major BB? Suicide? He used to lead the team with wormo into wars you've never dreamed of.

Well thanks for joining the team. We will arrive at the battlefield shortly. Commander Drone will personally greet you. Just try not to let him steal your carpet bombs. He will then issue you to your secected part of the Holy Hole. He will then proceed to murder you. He will then proceed to apply girders to the hole. You will be requested to work to death help apply the girdes. We reccomend you do as Drone is a very wierd shightly overinthusiastic worm.
CDE: 45872756326'
Nomad reads this note, then discards it over the edge of the carrier.
06.10.05 13:13
Post #4
Last edited: 06.10.05 13:38 (Wormo - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Name: Wrattle
Description: Worm with lines black and white around his body
Fav.Weapon: Bazooka
Weakness: Rope
Story: A worm from other team which unfortunately got closed so he joined this team (By the way which is team 's name?)
07.10.05 19:50
Post #5
Last edited: 08.10.05 20:02 (ArcBeetle - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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After a little while wandering around the transporter, Wrattle finds Nomad chatting with a recruit called Wormo who said he was experienced. He makes a rather annoying joke about the lines around Wrattles body and gets a prod as the result. As Wormo recovers, he is asked what the team's name is, andstarts to wander if anyone actually knows the team's name. SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler Suddenly the transport crunches against a rock and a precious cargo of 2 concrete donkeys falls overboard. No one on board knows how to swim and Wormo knows that they will get a thrashing by 'Droney' (Commander Drone's nickname) because of it. This seems just too bad.
"We will arrive on shore in roughly 24 hours," mentions an automatic megaphone.
08.10.05 16:20
Post #6
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48 hours later, they hit the shore. A barrage of girders lines a hole up ahead. Wormo ventures into it. He then comes flying out again. The three of them can hear angry shouting and another girder appears out of thin air, blocking thier path into the hole.
The concrete donkeys are gone, but apparently not forgotten.
15.10.05 11:26
Post #7
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Name: Bob
Description: A rugged worm with lots of battle scars, and an old trucker hat.
Fav.Weapon: Minigun, uzi, shotgun, and the pistol.
Weakness: Damn sheep get me everytime.
Story: Loves the fight and couldn't resist joining the best worm team around.
15.10.05 21:54
Post #8
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Descripiton:basebal cap;blue backpack;white gloves
Fav.weapon:Magic Bulet;shotgun;animals;ninja rope;basebal bat;holy hand granade;dinamite
Weaknesses:phisical weapons;fire weapons;air strikes
Story:A young worm that joins the war to protect his country

22.10.05 19:52
Post #9
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No access to the rest of the team because the girder was in the way. The group start looking for shelter, before they are spotted.

Do you like the Image?
Edit: Soz, I forgot most of the hats. Perhaps they blew away?
23.10.05 14:59
Post #10
Last edited: 23.10.05 16:21 (Wormo - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
om nom nom nom nom
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Description:A very quiet worm who keeps himself to himself. Wears a blue bandana always.
Fav. Weapon:Short ranged combat. Always on the edge of the kamakaze but, obviously, has yet to use one. Also always has his trusty axe and very strange, extremly rare sword.
Weakness:Kaz recently took a bullet to the tail and since not been as strong as it used to and is extremly vulnerable, a bit like acheles heel...or whatever
Bio/Story:No one really knows. He dosnt talk much.
24.10.05 09:56
Post #11
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Now would be a good time to view all the pics:SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
They find a hole. There are, however, guards and several large crates in the hole. It appears to be an enemy stockpile.
Should they attack?
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24.10.05 11:22
Post #12
Last edited: 11.09.06 18:47 (Wormo - 19 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Wrattle shoots a bazooka in the holy, making the crates explode and damaging the enemy, the rest of the worms go where he is to help him.
24.10.05 11:40
Post #13
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Wormo seems overly mad at Wrattle. "You zebra striped fool! Not only was that our only Bazooka, and you just destroyed the weapon crates we could have used!" Unfortunately, a falling weapon crate hits him on the head. He then stops blaming and topples into the hole.
Why Im an idiot. SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
24.10.05 11:45
Post #14
Last edited: 24.10.05 18:14 (Wormo - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
om nom nom nom nom
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Kaz watches on the rim of the hole, waiting for the right moment to jump in.
24.10.05 18:15
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