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Well, it finally happened. Lightening struck, and it took my poor computer with it. I'm going to check to see if the cables might be the problem, but if that's not it, I need a new computer. I don't want to build it myself though, but I do want it customized. Someone recommended TigerDirect to me, but I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations.
20.09.05 20:54
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I have just looke at tigerdirect page, they look quite good for get a new computer.
20.09.05 21:06
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lightning struck your house and fried your pc?
thats real unfortunate. i cant reccomend anything as ive built my pc so....
20.09.05 21:31
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tirect direct is where my cousin, the single smartest computer guy in south-west louisiana, shops and it's yielded some pretty nice computers for him and some friends.

I used IBuyPower, but it can get a bit expensive with certain packages.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.09.05 23:38
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You don't have any kind of surge protection? Not even a fused plugsocket?

21.09.05 10:40
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The surge protector had evidentally stopped working before it happened. The protection light was off when I came back downstairs to check out the computer :/.

Edit: Should I go for a 64-bit processor, or stick with 32-bit? I want to be able to play W4, and I don't think that Starforce will work with a 64-bit processor...
21.09.05 20:16
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I've never seen a computer go asplode... :O
21.09.05 20:52
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

I've never seen a computer go asplode... :O

It's actually quite entertaining me thinks ;)


21.09.05 21:49
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Shoulda bought lighning insurance....

thats some bad lucke, if that were to happen to me, i'd prolly lose my computer(and all the accessories around it), a 20in Flatscreen TV, Gamecube, and another TV... But i have lighning insurance(pfft...)
22.09.05 00:28
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

I've never seen a computer go asplode... :O

It's actually quite entertaining me thinks ;)

Electricity is pretty. Getting hit by it is not.

At the time being, 64bit processors don't win you much, since most software, including games, can't make full use of it yet. If you have spare money, upgrade anyway, it'll save you from doing it later :P
22.09.05 09:28
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Shoulda bought lighning insurance....

It was the only thing that went. It wouldn't even be worth reporting for the increased insurance rates.

22.09.05 15:45
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Geez that sucks so much, so nothing at all went, besides the computer? Not even the T.V?? I use the computer much more than the T.V, infact I don't really use T.V besides watching footy games.

An image!
23.09.05 07:16
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My mom's a safety freak that unplugs everything when thunderstorms come. Everything but the computer, because it used to have a habit of not booting up half the time.
23.09.05 13:07
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Did your surge protector come with a warranty?

24.09.05 19:18
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Not lifetime :(.

We don't have the recipt, the box, the statement of warranty, or anything.

But, I've ordered a new computer, it should be here in the next day or so. Stats:

Windows XP Professional SP2
3.2 Ghz Pentium IV
250 GB HD
256 MB ATI Radeon 9250
Double-sided DVD burner (8+ gig discs, woohoo!)
17 inch flat panel monitor

That's all I can remember :?
26.09.05 15:52
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