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So I get my paycheck. I spend most of it on everyone's birthday present then suddenly, I'm in such a generous mood, I write a $50 check for Hurricane Katrina victims. When I submit it, I realise that I'm short of cash. By $7.89 CAD. A very nice donator from BTP has given me $10 USD, but with the fees and shtuff, it became $7.41CAD (Damn zbot with his unaccurate money conversions). So I'm $0.48 CAD short. But wait! There is more! I need to add this money to my bank account, and PayPal's minimum for depositing money into a Canadian bank account is $15.00 CAD. So if there is anyone who would like to donate to me, please PM me and I'll give you my PayPal email.

Edit: Now, this is really bad. Wire transfer fee was $35.80 CAD, and now this check is going to bounce big time. Any extra money will be donated to charity.

No need to unbounce check :)

(Please donate :))

16.09.05 22:09
Post #1
Last edited: 19.09.05 22:43 (TheAbdBoy - 7 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'd donate, but PayPal has banned my account for *ahem* reasons.

Sorry mate


18.09.05 03:39
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Quoted :: Runt

I'd donate, but PayPal has banned my account for *ahem* reasons.

Do tell. :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
18.09.05 04:55
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Lol, yes plz.:D

An image!
18.09.05 09:49
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Well, ok then. Gather round and I shall tell you a tale :P

Nah, eBay tried charging around £30 for something I didn't even buy. Couple days later, an extra £20 was thrown on top and I don't know why.

My bank HSBC are demanding money out of me or they will send balifs [sp?] round my house to collect £50 worth of my stuff.
This is to pay off my bank, but PayPal will still want paying off aswell so *fcuk them* as I say if they expect over £100 out of me for no reason.


18.09.05 13:39
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I would donate but I don`t have a Paypal account (damnit!)
18.09.05 19:20
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I'm in the same position as arc. And if I did I don't have a bank account to use with it. And if I had a bank account I wouldn't have any money to put in it. Such is life.
20.09.05 20:34
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

So I get my paycheck. I spend most of it on everyone's birthday present then suddenly, I'm in such a generous mood, I write a $50 check for Hurricane Katrina victims. When I submit it, I realise that I'm short of cash. By $7.89 CAD. A very nice donator from BTP has given me $10 USD, but with the fees and shtuff, it became $7.41CAD (Damn zbot with his unaccurate money conversions). So I'm $0.48 CAD short. But wait! There is more! I need to add this money to my bank account, and PayPal's minimum for depositing money into a Canadian bank account is $15.00 CAD. So if there is anyone who would like to donate to me, please PM me and I'll give you my PayPal email.

Edit: Now, this is really bad. Wire transfer fee was $35.80 CAD, and now this check is going to bounce big time. Any extra money will be donated to charity.

No need to unbounce check :)

(Please donate :))

Your check that you sent me never went through.
24.09.05 04:23
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Quoted :: C1

Your check that you sent me never went through.

Yeah, I know. they just took the money out of my bank yesterday. I don't have any money in my PayPal account, so they have to take it from my bank. Sorry about that. I'll be there soon.

25.09.05 00:24
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: C1

Your check that you sent me never went through.

Yeah, I know. they just took the money out of my bank yesterday. I don't have any money in my PayPal account, so they have to take it from my bank. Sorry about that. I'll be there soon.

You'll be in my PayPal account soon?
25.09.05 00:42
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Quoted :: Runt

Well, ok then. Gather round and I shall tell you a tale :P

Nah, eBay tried charging around £30 for something I didn't even buy. Couple days later, an extra £20 was thrown on top and I don't know why.

My bank HSBC are demanding money out of me or they will send balifs [sp?] round my house to collect £50 worth of my stuff.
This is to pay off my bank, but PayPal will still want paying off aswell so *fcuk them* as I say if they expect over £100 out of me for no reason.

Very bad luck, yeah bloddy mungrels taking our money...

Revenge is a served Cold!:twisted:

An image!
27.09.05 01:01
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I think it went through. I have $31CAN in my account now. I used to only have about 20..
28.09.05 03:09
Post #12
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