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Hey, it was my birthday yesterday :P Um..I don't think I posted my birthday I thought I'd at least post a thread about it..
11.09.05 17:53
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LOL you are delaied :P

Anyway Happy Birthday :D
11.09.05 18:08
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Orangie Orgy
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We've got alot of birthdays going around at the moment :0
its tundraH's birfday as well... (tH)
11.09.05 18:17
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[G]the candy man
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it was my birthday aswell
11.09.05 18:30
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Happy Bidet to one and all in that case.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.09.05 20:25
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soooo, how old ARE you, anyway?

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
12.09.05 00:09
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*Wishes Happy BD*

*Threatens to kill anyone that makes another BD thread within the next week.*
12.09.05 01:16
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Happy birthday! For your birthday gift, I have given you access to your second hate forum!

12.09.05 01:56
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

For your birthday gift, I have given you access to your second hate forum!

Woah! Thats the best present to get someone on there birth Abd :P

Have a good day C1. *whistles*


12.09.05 03:29
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Happy Birthday C1. Hmm, I gave Glenn a present, so I'd better give you one too. You'll find it in your profile.
12.09.05 04:40
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Quoted :: Glenn

*Threatens to kill anyone that makes another BD thread within the next week.*

But in 13 days I may do it... right? ;)

12.09.05 14:23
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

soooo, how old ARE you, anyway?

12.09.05 21:29
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: Glenn

*Threatens to kill anyone that makes another BD thread within the next week.*

But in 13 days I may do it... right? ;)

It'd actually be 6 by my watch. Unless the laws of the world have changed, there are only 7 days in a week.
12.09.05 21:56
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Actually, I was asking because in 13 days it will be my birtday. :P

By the way C1 I didn't know you had the same age as me (And we will have the same too, but in 13 days ;))
12.09.05 22:11
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C1, is that you? Damn, I haven't seen anyone in such a long time! It's me once again, I've come back from the dead. Wormnet feels like a graveyard, I need somebody who I actually know to come on and play worms or something... Anyway, happy birthday, at 11:10!
13.09.05 03:10
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