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Orangie Orgy
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well, theres an option in the recyle bins propterties that allows you to delete files instantly, without having to go into the bin/cleanout
But if your looking to recover... well too bad
You can download a file recovery proggie at, i tried these before and it works.
Recovers deleted files that havent been overwritten. It would be wise to defrag, so files dont get constantly overwritten after they're deleted.. or something i dunno shut up
24.09.05 04:32
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oh yeah i forgot about the option to disable the recycle bin. when i found it i was going to use it, but then decided to start using the recycle bin. go figure.

but if you always shift+del stuff anyways, you might as well turn it on. one less key needed.
24.09.05 19:16
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

well, theres an option in the recyle bins propterties that allows you to delete files instantly, without having to go into the bin/cleanout
But if your looking to recover... well too bad
You can download a file recovery proggie at, i tried these before and it works.
Recovers deleted files that havent been overwritten. It would be wise to defrag, so files dont get constantly overwritten after they're deleted.. or something i dunno shut up

Couldn't it be a potential risk to have the ability to recover files - even after being completely deleted?
What if it's a virus and even after it's deleted, it can be recovered.
Or maybe I don't understand how this file recovery proggie works.
25.09.05 19:32
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Pioneer322

well, theres an option in the recyle bins propterties that allows you to delete files instantly, without having to go into the bin/cleanout
But if your looking to recover... well too bad
You can download a file recovery proggie at, i tried these before and it works.
Recovers deleted files that havent been overwritten. It would be wise to defrag, so files dont get constantly overwritten after they're deleted.. or something i dunno shut up

Couldn't it be a potential risk to have the ability to recover files - even after being completely deleted?
What if it's a virus and even after it's deleted, it can be recovered.
Or maybe I don't understand how this file recovery proggie works.

What? When a file is deleted, its just removed from registry so it doesnt exist, but its still there. Just waiting to be over-written
It looks up files that were deleted but havent been overwritten and you can select what files to be recovered
You'd have to be a dumbass to recover a virus
25.09.05 20:06
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Dumbass indeed.

Now I have only Msn + WWP on my desktop. I added.:P

An image!
27.09.05 08:53
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