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Does anyone realise the cue I gave; Wormo sick due to radiation, lorry full of drugs, ect. ect.! But at least Deathbot is the thickest one here. (the only offence meant was an offence to Deathbot.)
If you still don't get the cue, find the anti-radiation drug and Wormo will be back on his feet in no time.
18.10.05 17:21
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Grrrrrrrrrrr, we need to get back to the RPG. Look, here's the deal: Deathbot, Glenn is quite right about your posts. Also, we're supposed to be working together, not against eachother.

And Wormo, it's one thing to set the scene, but entirely different to expect someone to do something about it. Our characters can do as they like, and we should be the ones to decide how to fix a problem. It's ok to tell others what to do, just so long as it's in-game. And it's ok to drop "cues", just don't rely on them. It's not that we don't want to help Wormo, or that we want to do whatever we like, when we like, and not follow the things that are happening around us. It's just that we're making the story up together remember. We're not just creating individual situations to be dealt with in a particular way.
19.10.05 03:04
Post #92
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Glenn and Joe magically don some lab coats, and pull out their Junior Woodchuck Science Kit In-A-Box to work on an antidote.

"No, no, no, ah, here's a recipie. Joe, can you go get the supplies I need from that exploded building over there?"

Joe runs over to search in the wreckage of the building, whilst Glenn prepares to create the antidote.

*A few minutes later*

"Alright, thank you. Now then, pour this into that, break that up and toss it in, stir, heat up to 350 degrees, drop this and that in, pour in this thing, and cast Healara. Oops, I only know Heal."

Joe says, "I, like, know Heal as well. We could combine our spells to make Healara. Then again, I don't know if I can really be bothered to. I've havn't been doing enough nothing recently..."

"Damn it man, his life depends on it."

Joe and Glenn cast Healara, and the radiation medicine is completed. Joe quickly puts it in a hypo and administers it to Wormo.
19.10.05 20:30
Post #93
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Wormo will still take a little while to recover.
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20.10.05 14:28
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Karyn hurries over to Evilweevil, who is staring intently at a map.

"Some bus just drove over my means of getting home!" he shouts. "And I'm pretty damn sure it did it on purpose!"

Evilweevil continues to stare at the map. Kayrn, now agitated beyond the temptation to kill someone, rips the map out of evilweevil's hands and looks at what is so interesting. His eyes widen.

"Holy shit, thats my home!"

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20.10.05 18:28
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EvilWeevil looks strangely at Kayrn.

"You never told us you lived in a garbage can.":P

"Uh, that didn't seem important at the time. Anyway, that's my home!"

"Yes, you've said that. Well, there's only one thing for it. We'll have to re-build that time machine."

EvilWeevil walks over to the wreckage of the time machine. "I'd say it's in pretty bad condition. The only thing that could fix it is..."


"...the VORTEX STONE!...fortunately, I have one at my dark citadel. We'd better get going. It's quite a way away."
21.10.05 02:29
Post #96
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By now, Wormo is OK again. He jumps up at the mention of a Vortex Stone but seems worried at the mention of the Dark Citadel.
"Ermmm...EvilWeevil, do you mind if I tell you something?" He asks, looking down.
"Yeah, sure, as long as it's on the subject," answers EvilWeevil.
"Well, Its good and bad. The bad part is that while you were looking for the Treasure, I stole the Vortex Stone from your fortress. Im a professional thief. But the Good part is, I have it right here!" He produces a purple glowing stone from his pocket.

21.10.05 14:54
Post #97
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"Well, I think that succesfully shortens our adeventure by a few weeks." says Kayrn eventually. "One more problem, theres is only one seat in the time machine. Yes, you could probably fit everyone in the contraption but Im afraid anything that isn't sitting in that seat is not shielded against the particle evapocondenser and so will probably end up at the other end of time with their heart in the end of their little toe."

This got an appreciate moment of silence and quiet thinking.

"However, Im sure we could get at least a few more of these things from that building over there with the big glowing letters saying "Time Machines "R" Us""

There has to be a catch, he thought.
21.10.05 16:22
Post #98
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Byt ArcBeetle says: "Oh no! The cheapest time machine cost 5000 euros!"
21.10.05 17:08
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"Except, really, it doesn't cost 5000 euros silly ArcBeetle. It's a front to lure us into buying that piece of junk. Watch how it's done."

Joe walks behind the man running the counter, grabs him, and drags him in front of Glenn.

"Now then, are you going to tell us where the real time machines are, or are we going to have to do this the hard way?"


Glenn promptly belts him in the stomach, really, friggen... HARD.

"Now are you going to be more agreeable."

The man simply gasps for a few seconds, and collapses. Joe lifts the key off of him for the storeroom in the back.
22.10.05 05:10
Post #100
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ArcBeetle takes the key which the man running left fall and open a door which says: "Real time machines"

They see some machines strange there.

"The time machines!"
22.10.05 10:23
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Karyn helps to drag a few of the contraptions to where the other time machine is standing, one for each person, and begins to inspect them.
"All the batteries are flat, except for the one I came in. Each time machine will need at least as much power as this whole city consumes in a day if we are going to get back to my time. Anyone got any ideas? Im not totally used to modern age stuff."
22.10.05 12:25
Post #102
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Then.. ArcBeetle says:" we must go to a electric industry and get a generator"
22.10.05 12:37
Post #103
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EvilWeevil steps in. "Or, I could just use my electricity powers. I am a lightning mage you know."

Everyone slaps their head, thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Everyone gets into the time machines. EvilWeevil uses his powers to charge them up. "Ok Karyn, what do we do?"
24.10.05 22:40
Post #104
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This RPG needs someone who continues it...

Karyn says: "Step back 100 years in the time"

EvilWeevil switch on the machine and strange noises start sounding. Lots of lights appears.

The crew gets started to travelling in the time.

31.10.05 17:11
Post #105
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