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Orangie Orgy
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What would that achieve?
04.09.05 19:23
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Pio's right, what would it achieve?

More registered users who are active and posting, bigger community.

More registered users not active, not posting. Not bigger community.


04.09.05 20:05
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The only advantage I can think of is that people see a community with 50 000 members, and one with 20 000 they will join the 50 000 one.

But then they may become inactive anyway due to the community not really being so large because most of the users are never active.



05.09.05 08:49
Post #18
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However, against more users there are, there are more chances of some of them being active
05.09.05 14:55
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Orangie Orgy
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Thats so stupid
"Hey look, we have the most members evar! The only problem, nobody does anything!"
05.09.05 18:33
Post #20
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An odd number to be celebrating, but, congratulations BTP.
05.09.05 21:15
Post #21
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Thats so stupid
"Hey look, we have the most members evar! The only problem, nobody does anything!"

Indeed, it will be like...

"As of 9/9/05, we have over 50,000 members! The last member to post was 'execute_name' on 3/11/04"


06.09.05 13:58
Post #22
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CL2K culled its database of users a whileback I think, but it had only reached about 2500 members. Now it's less than half that. If they hadn't done that I might've posted news when the number of BTP members passed the number of CL2K members, cuz it hadn't been far off.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
06.09.05 21:40
Post #23
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

However, against more users there are, there are more chances of some of them being active

I actually prefer communities that are smaller. They seem more hectic and more friendly.
(I don't mean a forum with 5 members to be small..I ment like a forum with like at least 500 members..)(big would be over 3000)
07.09.05 01:12
Post #24
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Quoted :: C1

(big would be over 3000)

Well, BTP has over 3000 members now. Is that big to your standards? You gonna leave cause it's too big?

[Just Kidding]


07.09.05 01:16
Post #25
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BTP too big? Uh oh. Time to get out the gigantic vacum cleaner...

Congratulations BTP, and to all the wonderful members who made that number possible.
07.09.05 06:09
Post #26
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Quoted :: C1

I actually prefer communities that are smaller. They seem more hectic and more friendly.

Not always.

T17 forums and BTP are really big, and who would say they are unfriendly?

07.09.05 14:23
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T17 forum is about twice as unfriendly as BTP is, but they've been working on it a bit...
07.09.05 20:34
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: C1

I actually prefer communities that are smaller. They seem more hectic and more friendly.

Not always.

T17 forums and BTP are really big, and who would say they are unfriendly?

T17 forums is unfriendly, and has too many n00bs going there and spamming their forums everyday..

Edit: And too hectic.
07.09.05 20:36
Post #29
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