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He's removed it now anyway...



02.09.05 02:36
Post #31
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Only 2 people hid your sig EvilWeevil... :P

Yes. But 0 people is better:D

And Bloopy, I DO need to be sorry. Because sorry leads to forgivness, forgivness leads to happiness, and happiness leads to peace man! Seriously though, I shall not make that mistake again.
02.09.05 03:21
Post #32
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

Golly, I feel really bad about my text sigs that I change every day now. Good thing ArcBeetle made me a nice graphic one:D

To be honest, I really couldn't understand what Glenn was saying, but I think the message idea is good.

For as Bloopy said on the previous page, EvilWeevil's sig has indeed changed since you last saw it. Feel free to unhide it all who have hidden it!

ArcBeetle isn't exactly the best person for sigs. His sigs look like something made in paint. A basic bg with a basic text, saved as jpg looking quality.
Ask Pope or something, if you want a quality sig. (no offense Arc, you just don't have that pretty of sigs)

Quoted :: Glenn

Text sigs aren't the problem, it's the RANDOM text sigs that this site can make that's the problem. It causes a lot of slowdown, especially for people like me on slow connections.

Quoted :: Abd
Because some people are actually going to bother to do that, right Glenn?

I would, but then again, I'm crazy that way.

Glenn, that would involve a huge list of people in edit profile, (over 1000) to edit each person's sig. Not to mention, not many people know how to do css. And not to mention that it's a ton more rows in the db.
If they actually know css, get firefox, and fix it manually. Either that or just hide the sig.
02.09.05 04:26
Post #33
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Or just use Firefox and get some kick ass extentions that'll do somthing about them siggies :)

02.09.05 04:30
Post #34
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I know that C1, I said I was probably the only one crazy enough to use it :P.

But, actually, you wouldn't have 1000 people in your edit profile, you'd just edit it in your custom CSS.

And, I would use the Firefox extentions, but they don't seem to like me very much :cry:.
02.09.05 06:07
Post #35
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Quoted :: C1
ArcBeetle isn't exactly the best person for sigs. His sigs look like something made in paint.

Try to make that text with paint :D
02.09.05 14:32
Post #36
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: C1
ArcBeetle isn't exactly the best person for sigs. His sigs look like something made in paint.

Try to make that text with paint :D

I can make that text with any website making website (I think geocities does that?), then copy it to paint :P
And the bg is obviously from the page of light.
Simple copy and paste job.

02.09.05 19:16
Post #37
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The BG is from Worms Armageddon :roll:
02.09.05 20:12
Post #38
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Quoted :: C1

ArcBeetle isn't exactly the best person for sigs. His sigs look like something made in paint. A basic bg with a basic text, saved as jpg looking quality.
Ask Pope or something, if you want a quality sig. (no offense Arc, you just don't have that pretty of sigs)

Maybe so, but a sig is better than no sig. And besides, it was a nice thing to do, I being such a brilliant member here with no sig and all. Good on you Arcy.

Of course, since we are on the topic, if anyone feels like making me an Avatar of a lightning mage with black robes and a black cloak and black hood with red eyes but darkness covering the rest of his face zapping the life out of some innocent creature, be my guest.
02.09.05 23:52
Post #39
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I would if I knew what a lightning mage was :P
03.09.05 02:09
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I made you a nice lookin' sig EvilWeevil if you want it...
An image!




03.09.05 08:37
Post #41
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Considering that he's wearing a black cloak with black robes with a black hood with his face hidden by darkness except for his red eyes, I guess you wouldn't need to :P
03.09.05 10:57
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Quoted :: Atomic52

I made you a nice lookin' sig EvilWeevil if you want it...
An image!


You should reduce it to 100 pixels atomic
10.09.05 15:56
Post #43
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Nah, it's fine. Atomic is kina known [as I see it] for having larger sigs ;)


10.09.05 18:27
Post #44
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That doesn't mean they're not annoying.

The more the height of the sig, the more obtrusive it is to whomever reads your posts...
10.09.05 19:16
Post #45
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