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Well, this is it, Google now has an IM service!
check it out, its pretty simple as of now, but since its beta i expect this to grow a lot...

Check it here

all you need to have is a gmail acount and be able to follow easy instructions on adding more people to your list.. Have fun!:mrgreen:
24.08.05 04:50
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Will download! Good Find Split!



24.08.05 06:50
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You're my hero

24.08.05 07:41
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Looks good but I won't download it. I'm happy with MSN and Skype :)


24.08.05 13:18
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I don't have enough people's gmail accounts to really make this worth it. Yes, I have contacts outside of this forum (OMG).
24.08.05 15:55
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I dont think that program will be popular... it only allow gmail accounts, and gmail accounts can br used with msn perfectly
24.08.05 16:16
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

I dont think that program will be popular... it only allow gmail accounts, and gmail accounts can br used with msn perfectly

Only if registered with


24.08.05 16:19
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This eleminates the need of having to check my serpate gmail account. I used to have Gmail Notifier notify me, and now I have this thing to check my other email.

24.08.05 16:41
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ABD, if you downloaded MSG Plus for MSN 7, then you could configure that.

Or in my case, I've configured Mozilla Thunderbird to bring in my Gmail :)


24.08.05 16:44
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Yeah, but I refuse to get MSN 7. Or even touch Windows Messenger

24.08.05 16:52
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Well, i for one think this will grow rapidly.. just look at gmail.. first only a few had it, then look how many do
24.08.05 16:55
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Quoted :: Spleet

Well, i for one think this will grow rapidly.. just look at gmail.. first only a few had it, then look how many do

Quoted :: My sig

[b]49[/b] Gmail invites left. PM me if you want one.

Look how many people aren't waiting to get one? :|

24.08.05 17:04
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Thats because lots of people already have a Gmail account :P


24.08.05 17:30
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And because lots of people hid your sig ;)
24.08.05 18:28
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Good news! Google Talk works with Trillian Pro and some other clients. The list is here:

I'm only using the Trial version of Pro though, it works, but it'sbeing a bitch. I guess they'll have to invent a new Trilly

24.08.05 21:04
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