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Poll: Coke or Pepsi?
Coca-Cola 15 users
Pepsi 11 users
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I choose Pepsi. Because it's teh r0x0r!

Coke is for old people.

20.08.05 03:57
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Coke was the orginal and best. Hail to the red-ness!


20.08.05 04:06
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Coke, but only Vanilla Coke, man that's good!



20.08.05 04:09
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Pepsi is bad for teh health (at least, dont drink it alot)
20.08.05 04:17
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I don't actually like either,:| but my family likes Coke. And it looks soooo much cooler.
20.08.05 05:01
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Pepsi. Mostly because the Coke around here has too much syrup in it :/.
20.08.05 05:44
Post #6
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Coke coke coke coke coke coke. Because Pepsi is pretty rare around here lately :|
20.08.05 07:48
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[G]simon (swed simon)
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All types of Coca-Cola, especially Wiggah Coke.
20.08.05 09:22
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I prefer Afri-Cola!
(it got the most of caffeine)

To your question Coke or Pepsi, i just can say that there were some studies obout it.

For example some Sientists were in a City, in a Mall, and made a Test with some People who were randomly passing throug.
They coverd up their Eyes and gave them 2 Mugs to drink. In one was Coke, in the other was Pepsi. The People didn't know were what was.
But they had to say, in which Mug Pepsi was and in which Coke was.
The results of the Test showed that the People claimed the Pepsi as Coke. And when they were asked why they think this was Coke then most said, it was the tastiest.

So what do we learn form it?
Comertials have a big Influence on us!

Think about it!
20.08.05 15:55
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Pepsi is better
Much better
20.08.05 16:05
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I drink whatever's fizzy but given the choice I'd pick Coke...

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.08.05 16:26
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Quoted :: Archamond

Pepsi is better
Much better

They practically taste the same.

However, I choose Coke for a few reasons. I like their commercials more, they usually come out with the products first and then Pepsi steals it, Pepsi has annoying commercials with shitty artists, polar bears are the sex, and Coke is a bigger and better empire with hundreds of other products that I like more.
20.08.05 21:45
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Quoted :: MC
(it got the most of caffeine)
Bawls = teh r0xx0r for caffeine. :D

and I'd rather not drink something that cleans off chrome, thanks.:P

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.08.05 22:50
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Quoted :: MC

For example some Sientists were in a City, in a Mall, and made a Test with some People who were randomly passing throug.
They coverd up their Eyes and gave them 2 Mugs to drink. In one was Coke, in the other was Pepsi. The People didn't know were what was.
But they had to say, in which Mug Pepsi was and in which Coke was.
The results of the Test showed that the People claimed the Pepsi as Coke. And when they were asked why they think this was Coke then most said, it was the tastiest.

I would be able to tell the difference, because it's true, Pepsi is the tastiest!

I prefer Pepsi because it's sweeter and less acidic. Vanilla Coke is better than normal Coke.

Jolt Cola is sexy and bad for you, but we can't get it here any more. :(


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
21.08.05 11:40
Post #14
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: MC

For example some Sientists were in a City, in a Mall, and made a Test with some People who were randomly passing throug.
They coverd up their Eyes and gave them 2 Mugs to drink. In one was Coke, in the other was Pepsi. The People didn't know were what was.
But they had to say, in which Mug Pepsi was and in which Coke was.
The results of the Test showed that the People claimed the Pepsi as Coke. And when they were asked why they think this was Coke then most said, it was the tastiest.

I would be able to tell the difference, because it's true, Pepsi is the tastiest!

I prefer Pepsi because it's sweeter and less acidic. Vanilla Coke is better than normal Coke.

Jolt Cola is sexy and bad for you, but we can't get it here any more. :(

Vanilla Coke is still Coke :P

And so it's Coke 1000 other products:
(Not to mention all their Cereal, and breakfast and snack companies they own :P)
21.08.05 11:44
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