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--want a good interactive website made for you? e-mail me!--
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i think it would be good to mak it possible to have flash-animation in the Rate-A-Sig area and nameplates one

Coming Soon- "Abstract-1", "P-D Park-1", "Worms-Realities"
19.08.05 21:28
Post #1
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You can.

Submitting one is a link to where the animation / image is.


19.08.05 23:03
Post #2
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On teh Computar!
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--want a good interactive website made for you? e-mail me!--
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ah right, ok thanks, but one more, i think that staff should actually check the Suggestions section on the left lol

Coming Soon- "Abstract-1", "P-D Park-1", "Worms-Realities"
20.08.05 07:51
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But people spam on it so much, especially when you can have anon posting. And when they had it on the front page they had "This is NOT a search box" for lots of suggestions...

20.08.05 18:05
Post #4
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And why not to create an option for spam mark suggestion, like forum posts?

or simply delete them
22.08.05 14:32
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Because that would actually take some effort.

And because if you can't post it in the forum that clearly reads SUGGESTIONS, a place that people are likely to look at because it's directly in the forums, then you need to step back and look at your logic.
22.08.05 15:42
Post #6
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