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[]The Pope
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I feel like making small ninja videos. It might be I won't make any more with it being me and my obsessions with starting a series and never finishing it but nevermind...

Just an introductory video (650kb):

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10.08.05 10:35
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Wow looks like great fun! Good luck Pope!
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10.08.05 10:47
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Good idea ^^

But when you make longer videos, where will you upload them?
10.08.05 14:23
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[]The Pope
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To my site at

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.05 14:57
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[]The Pope
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Huzzah! 1 minute 50 second bit of footage with me doing stuff in the garden...4.7mb in ZIP folder...

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.05 16:40
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That video is better but insome moments moments you looked like a soccer player :lol:
10.08.05 17:06
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[]The Pope
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Haha, where's is it written ninjas can't play football? :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.05 17:13
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Ninjas can't play football

That is the oddest 2 minutes I have ever seen. I pissed my self at the trailer.

10.08.05 17:29
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Well nobody forced you to see it psymon :lol:
10.08.05 17:31
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Well nobody forced you to see it psymon :lol:

Did I say that I didn't want to? No, I thought it was funny, but very, very strange.

10.08.05 17:37
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that first one is scary. :p

and being on dial-up, I don't feel like letting the second one download, so I won't be lookin at that one

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10.08.05 18:16
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Quoted :: psymon

Did I say that I didn't want to? No, I thought it was funny, but very, very strange.

[]TheAbdBoy seconds that.

10.08.05 18:19
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could have picked better background music =)
11.08.05 01:58
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Once we get a new camera, MoN will top you! j/k. Quite a... Unique video you got there...

Edit: that comment was incorrect, that was before I saw the video, now I think that video was just funny in a random way, although it was funny when you tried to break that thing you put on the chair.

Edit: What did you use to edit your movies pope?

11.08.05 04:03
Post #14
Last edited: 11.08.05 06:52 (Zippy - 3 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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T'was an apple off the tree I failed to murder gruesomely.

And I just used Windows Movie Maker. Although I am slowly learning Adobe Premiere...

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.08.05 10:53
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