There I was, minding my own business when suddenly photoshop popped out and shouted "Use me and forget about that inferior fireworks program!". I saw the glint of a sharpened paint brush within his hand, just concealed inside his half unbuttoned trenchcoat.
I wasn't in the mood to argue, or battle, so I started meddling about in it, dragging this slider here, yanking that dial there and slapping on filters.
Now I had some cool wallpapers but the brightness and contrast were off, so I imported it into fireworks in secret. It gave me a suspicious look but thought nothing of it and chugged away at the levels.
Here I now had a few nice wallpapers (each with a few different filters and contrasts set so they differ enough to count as seperate wallpapers).
Beware, they might take a while to load on 56k connections.
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Another wallpaper I made (in fireworks though) a while ago, in the same style, just with more colour than the ones I made today.
Spoiler (Click to Expand)
I particularly like the third one as it looks a bit oriental and I love all Japanese art (excluding comic styles like anime and manga etc...).
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