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Its...I really dont know...8O

My friend gave me this link saying he got it off his mate who got it off his etc.

All I will say is that you can also pick her up.
20.07.05 14:09
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Just one one Word: Outch!

LoL i wasted about 15 min untill i got a bit bored:lol:
20.07.05 15:39
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I would probably understand a bit more if it was a normal rag doll. But it seems to be a woman only wearing a bakini:?
20.07.05 16:52
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Quite impressive for a simple flash animation.
I like the way she kinda seeps around the bubbles.

It runs smoother when you pick her up.


20.07.05 17:00
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Eurgh, I find that disgusting...

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.07.05 21:11
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20.07.05 21:27
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At least i have chicken!
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that is soo funny! I love that but its boring i wis you could make obsticals n stuff


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

20.07.05 21:28
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[G]the candy man
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seen it on ebaums world before. good stuff though
20.07.05 21:38
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I still hate that thing :p it's just too boring.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.07.05 21:48
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

I still hate that thing :p it's just too boring.
You have to admit its quite entertaining watching her suffer some seriously strange injuries for a while.

20.07.05 22:07
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Weird but extremely cool and funny I think, I could play with it for hours. :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
21.07.05 09:39
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Quoted :: kikumbob

You can bloody talk!

You're right, I can't really talk. I wouldn't if it was some cg drawn woman or man but it's cut up pictures, and she's in a bikini.

Learn to look, look to learn.
21.07.05 09:59
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It is quite funny, but it gets a little boring.
21.07.05 22:47
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