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Yes, this is a fundraiser to dominate over ArcBeetle in Wordl Domination. I'm always unlucky when it comes to attacking ArcBeetle, but I just need more luck! So I'm going to buy more land . The problem is that land is expensive and I have a pet pixel to feed. Please donate money to the DTA and you will see ArcBeetle go down. As you can see ArcBeetle is a very bad man. Worse than Hitler and Bush, so please help save the world by donating to me :).

12.07.05 17:30
Post #1
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you perfectly could post it in the world domination thread :D

and about that of "bad man" you are the one attacking me all the time lol :p

and nice way of convencing people for donate money ;)
12.07.05 17:33
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Put that to good use :o
12.07.05 17:42
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Don't listen to him, donate money to me! For i use it to destroy C1 :P
12.07.05 18:29
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Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

Don't listen to him, donate money to me! For i use it to destroy C1 :P

Don't destroy C1. I'm nice. And if you destroy me, you have Abdboy to deal with. We're allied (but mostly just to destroy Arc :P)
But stupid spider held me up with his shananagins.
12.07.05 18:48
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why should i donate?
12.07.05 19:11
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Quoted :: pimp_popo

why should i donate?

You shouldn't pimp_popo, you barely have enough to feed your family!


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
12.07.05 20:45
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: pimp_popo

why should i donate?

You shouldn't pimp_popo, you barely have enough to feed your family!

Hm..donate to pimp to feed his family or donate to Abdboy to destroy the world :P Decisions, decisions..
12.07.05 20:46
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Donate to me, since i will destroy the rest of the world after i'm done with you anyway! It's for a good cause! :P
12.07.05 20:50
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Quoted :: C1

Don't destroy C1. I'm nice. And if you destroy me, you have Abdboy to deal with. We're allied (but mostly just to destroy Arc :P)

You will pay for this, ill search an ally and youll lose muhahhahaha :twisted:
12.07.05 20:52
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: C1

Don't destroy C1. I'm nice. And if you destroy me, you have Abdboy to deal with. We're allied (but mostly just to destroy Arc :P)

You will pay for this, ill search an ally and youll lose muhahhahaha :twisted:

Why not spider? He's doing a good job right now killing me.
12.07.05 20:57
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C1, Spider, me. Let's join together, We'll spilt the winning money 33/33/33. We shall defeat the evil ArcBeetle and his army!

12.07.05 20:59
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At least i have chicken!
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where does the 1 leftover go?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

12.07.05 21:36
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Quoted :: clarkey252

where does the 1 leftover go?

To charity of course.
12.07.05 21:41
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spider: you are already loaded.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.07.05 23:43
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