
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheRPG » If They Were Roommates: Final Fantasy Style

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You are any FINAL FANTASY Character (except you're FFXI Chars) moving into a mansion with 20 rooms, a large kitchen, two tennis courts, Large swimming pool, one of those stable thingies with ten horses. In each rooms, there is a TV and any game console of your choice, a bathroom wih a shower and a kind sized bed. You play the role of the character you choose and interact with the other people in the mansion. Yeah I know I can't spell anymore, so kiss my ass.


And I claim Wakka.

23.06.05 19:06
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Quoted :: ABD
Yeah I know I can't spell anymore


I claim LOCKED. Sorry ABD. We instated a new rule that there is to be no direct game/movie RPs. Just to keep imagination high.

23.06.05 19:09
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