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You may have heard/seen the 1337 google, or even the elmer google, but what about

It translates all pages into gangster type chat.

Try clifford the big red dog's homepage. :P

Or, on the other hand...
17.06.05 14:58
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For those of you that enjoy typing backwards (what, there's, like, 3 of you?), try this out.

This also works to get around any school firewalls that block google :P.
17.06.05 18:09
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What school would block google..?
17.06.05 18:12
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There are some that block it because they block all search engines.
There are some that block it because it now has an email system.
There are some that block it because it can be used as a workaround for the firewall (translate page redirects you to the site as an extention of google, instead of the actual site, so you can view anything blocked by the firewall).

There's probably other reasons as well.
17.06.05 18:21
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At my school, they blocked gmail, gizoogle, but not google.

17.06.05 19:39
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wtf, it translated the thread "Master of Nothing" to "Drug Deala of Ridin'"
17.06.05 19:44
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Gizmail to go with Gizoogle.
18.06.05 11:36
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There's also some program that translats your msn convos to the same talk, or something.
It can be found on the gizoogle homepage, methinks.
18.06.05 17:35
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Quoted :: Glenn

There are some that block it because they block all search engines.
There are some that block it because it now has an email system.
There are some that block it because it can be used as a workaround for the firewall (translate page redirects you to the site as an extention of google, instead of the actual site, so you can view anything blocked by the firewall).

There's probably other reasons as well.

Our school blocks gmail but you can just type to make it work. (note the "s")

Our school also blocks a lot of pages on google, but I use cached or translate page to get around that. Though, some images, etc. don't appear unfortunately..
18.06.05 19:19
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19.06.05 16:34
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

There's also some program that translats your msn convos to the same talk, or something.
It can be found on the gizoogle homepage, methinks.


22.06.05 06:42
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

What school would block google..?

Too many guys at my school use search engines to search for porno.

23.06.05 20:39
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You should've seen some boys in my Electronics lesson, when they discovered a CGI Proxy. They thought they were gods of hacking.

No, really.

Learn to look, look to learn.
24.06.05 06:46
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Those people are a waste of life.

Then again, about 3/4 of my school have no idea what a FORUM is, are oblivious to things such as ROMs, and only use the internet for IM CONVOs.
24.06.05 19:56
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

What school would block google..?

there are schools who blocks because they think there are porn sites, and porn isnt even allowed there :roll:
28.06.05 16:17
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