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Leader: ReadMe (GModified)
tH (rdmsoft)
Glenn (Indelcio) (when i next see him online)
theZogger (ZoGgEr!)

SquelchyMcPhee (Kipper)
XxSpiderxX aka Emberstrife (Humectant)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
13.06.05 18:16
Post #1
Last edited: 22.06.05 18:15 (ReadMe - 2 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Unless you specifically made us co-leaders in game, we're not co-leaders. Then again, I havn't been online since 10:00 GMT, so I don't know if you changed the statuses...

Oh, did you make CBWhiz a member yet?
14.06.05 02:54
Post #2
Last edited: 14.06.05 02:55 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i tried to, but i'm not quite sure how it works, the context menus are cropped off so i cant read what they're supposed to do.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
14.06.05 12:36
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[G]the candy man
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jesus christ how long does it take to loggin?
15.06.05 18:36
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15.06.05 20:33
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Can you guys add me to the clan?

(Don't ask)

17.06.05 16:10
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You have to be online at the same time as ReadMe to get added to the clan. Apparantly, he didn't actually add me as a co-leader. <-- the clan commands should be there ReadMe. Hopefully they work, since you can't read the menus very well.
17.06.05 18:04
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One question. What server do we play on?

18.06.05 06:05
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Whatever one we can get on. Clans work on all servers once started.
18.06.05 06:48
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[G]the candy man
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i finally logged in and its not a bad game actually

My Nicks TheCandyMan suprisingly
20.06.05 21:33
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It's alot easier to log-in now since they added two more servers.

FYI to all members, be on the lookout for a member named Viertz (or something similar to that, I can't remember the exact name). He's a member of clan Anti-Hack, but is in fact, a hacker. He is considered extremely dangerous and has the ability to kick people and crash the server at will, as well as activate invulnerability and ghosting (this means the body you see is a 999 ping error, but in fact, he's running around the room killing you). If you see him in a game, exit immediately. Better yet, switch servers entirely. Usually, he hangs around server 2.

Also, avoid quest games like the plague. They're hacks, and have the potential to crash the server. There's not really anything you can do to avoid THIS particular server crash, since there's quest games going on on every server. Just be prepared for the worst in case some dumb idiot comes along that DOESN'T know how to set up the hacked quest correctly.
21.06.05 04:37
Post #11
Last edited: 21.06.05 04:40 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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heh, CB has been hacking away at gunz too

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
21.06.05 13:06
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Yes, but I know that CB won't use the hacks maliciously like Vierz will.
21.06.05 15:33
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Quoted :: Glenn well as activate invulnerability and ghosting (this means the body you see is a 999 ping error, but in fact, he's running around the room killing you).

Heh, for over a half of people, the 999 ping error gives ghosting and invulnerability - it even did that to tundraH earlier, plus, if i block all free ports, it happens to me aswell on some occassions.
21.06.05 16:50
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Well, when I say invincibility, I mean he can do it without the 999 ping error. When I say ghosting, I mean that he still has a very low ping (which makes it possible to hit you without leading), but a packet is sent to your computer telling you that he has a ping of 999+.
21.06.05 17:10
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