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This may be a noobish question but where can i edit my profile?

Where's the true knowledge, where engines of the sane and insanity merge. The clarity, the unity.
12.06.05 13:53
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Orangie Orgy
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It may be hard to see with the millions of sections to the menu, but if you look all the way down, third one up, theres a section called "Change Profle" (those options should really be up where the forums are, or main i guess.)
12.06.05 14:01
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Thx :mrgreen:

Where's the true knowledge, where engines of the sane and insanity merge. The clarity, the unity.
12.06.05 14:15
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Coincidentally, by clicking on the headings for the various sections of the menu, you can collapse/expand those sections. This can help unclutter the side bar a bit.

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14.06.05 02:33
Post #4
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