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when i went to saw how may people i had slapped i found this...

man, a funny game and they destroy it :evil:
25.05.05 18:41
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Everyone must donate to bring it back! :P
25.05.05 19:35
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Good riddance, it got way to annoying for me to be clicking links of suspicion
25.05.05 20:32
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So... is there anyone that DIDN'T see this one coming from miles away? I mean, I've seen links all over the place. That thing probably got more bandwidth whored than 4chan.
25.05.05 20:40
Post #4
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There are thousands of these kind of games, such as one where people steal your souls, ect.
26.05.05 20:54
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

when i went to saw how may people i had slapped i found this...

man, a funny game and they destroy it :evil:

Aww, I loved that site. :'(

27.05.05 12:13
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27.05.05 15:22
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Good riddance! Thank god it's gone... STAY GONE TROUTWAR.
29.05.05 09:10
Post #8
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never heard of it and apparently never played it. so it couldnt have been too good =)
29.05.05 09:14
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@ knifa: ROFL
@ FuzzBall: Yes but that was the funnier...

29.05.05 10:39
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Quoted :: ShootMe

never heard of it and apparently never played it. so it couldnt have been too good =)

If everyone went on the notion you go on, all life would cease to exist from the sheer stupidity that crawls with that mentality.


Learn to look, look to learn.
29.05.05 11:29
Post #11
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

@ knifa: ROFL
@ FuzzBall: Yes but that was the funnier...

Heck, I could code one... tell me what the action should be ;). Since I'm making a new site, formerly known as r3s1t3, now called koy (recursive acronym for koy owns you), that could be a section of it... hmm...
29.05.05 17:16
Post #12
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Quoted :: SargeTron

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

@ knifa: ROFL
@ FuzzBall: Yes but that was the funnier...

Heck, I could code one... tell me what the action should be ;). Since I'm making a new site, formerly known as r3s1t3, now called koy (recursive acronym for koy owns you), that could be a section of it... hmm...

So u can refound the troutwar? cool :P
29.05.05 18:02
Post #13
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: SargeTron

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

@ knifa: ROFL
@ FuzzBall: Yes but that was the funnier...

Heck, I could code one... tell me what the action should be ;). Since I'm making a new site, formerly known as r3s1t3, now called koy (recursive acronym for koy owns you), that could be a section of it... hmm...

So u can refound the troutwar? cool :P

PM me with the action ;). Fancy forum moderator position comes with it :P
29.05.05 18:21
Post #14
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troutwar would take like 5 mins to make. maybe less.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.05.05 21:35
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