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Tell me, exactly what is it that makes W:A so much better than WWP?
08.05.06 10:10
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I asked the same question a few days ago and then I tried it. It has several little things that make playing W:A more comfortable. Probably the best advantage is that you can play colour maps online. I can't name any things that make WWP better...
08.05.06 12:12
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

Tell me, exactly what is it that makes W:A so much better than WWP?

I think I might make a thread explaining why WA is factually better than WWP. This question has been asked so many times, and it has such a long answer. (but hasn't been asked as much as "how du u host?")

Here is a list of the immediate differences between the two.

- The frontend. The GUI is so much better in WA than in WWP. The comical feel of WWP just does not fit what is happening in the game. War. I also like the subtle drone that is made in WA.

- Higher resoloutions. I'm sure that WA can take advantage of resoloutions that are really high (ie: 1600*1050, 1280*1024) and WWP can't do this, but I could be wrong. One thing I really hate when gaming is playing a game that's 800*600 streached to fit my 17" 1280*1024 screen, looks so ugly.

- Alternate colours. You can have the colours of teams and suchlike altered to a different set so they have more contrast. This is to help colour blind users, and as a non-colour blinded person I find it helps anyway and prefer these colours.

- Colour maps. Online. Probably one of the biggest thing about this game. Sure you can play 256 colour maps in WWP, but can you play them online? No.

- No mysterious exploding cake crash. I find that so freaking annoying that mysterious bug, where the cake has just exploded and you're about to start the game and it just crashes. Exceptionally annoying if your computer is very slow.

-records of your games! every game you play gets recorded to your user/games folder and you cn run the .wagame file and watch it over again. You can go into slow-motion, frame-by-frame skiping and fast forward as fast as your computer s possible(i think, but it's really really fast anyway)

I think that some sort of interface for this should be built into WA for managing them and stuff.

-Extracting chat logs, schemes and maps from recordings. I've been told by deadcode that you'll beable to resume a game from a recording! (but this feature doesn't exist yet)

-batty ropes. You stay on your rope at the end of your turn, hanging there whilst other people take out their turns. called batty because you're like a bat. I think....
this hasnt been officially released, but I know of people with the appropriate beta.

Here is a list of a few little features, which can affect gameplay even though it is such a small edit nontheless.

-ability to walk backwards. You may be thinking "why would I need to do that?". Well, you might want to walk backwards off a cliff, and then get the ninjarope out whilst falling then use some mad cows where the direction you're facing is paramount. Jumping wasn't an option, as you would have jumped into an instant mine.

-the sprites of some weapons have been altered to help users differenciate them. You can now tell if they have a homing missile out, you can tell if they have a mortor or a bazooka.

-you can press the "t" button whilst it's your turn to make the think bubble appear, like the computer can with their worms.

-offline ropeknocking

-ability to disable the phone when online

-the chat panel is brought down by default and an explanation on how to use it is given-usful for n00bs.

-doesn't WA have an additional terrain style that they forgot to put into wwp or did put itnto it but never coded it to work?

-ability to remove the auto screen scrolling with the scroll lock key

08.05.06 15:33
Post #18
Last edited: 08.05.06 15:35 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ok, I suppose I can't really argue with that. One wonders why they made WWP at all.:lol:

Quoted :: HarrY

-doesn't WA have an additional terrain style that they forgot to put into wwp or did put itnto it but never coded it to work?

You mean Dinos and Domestic? Yeah, I think so. There was a thread about it on the Team17 forums, but that was ages ago.
10.05.06 10:27
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well, ranking tool for lan players in wwp to tell the top players, most kills,... :)

btw, anybody know any tool for that?
06.10.06 15:41
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No but be careful when posting on old threads.
06.10.06 16:28
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07.10.06 13:14
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Because it's not considered to be fun.
07.10.06 14:39
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07.10.06 17:13
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