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I was just curious how much space everyone is using on their gmail.
I hardly ever delete files and I get a lot of emails. (from email, fwds and my friends sending songs)
"You are currently using 325 MB (15%) of your 2162 MB."
05.05.05 04:01
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Using 1% but thats because I dont use Gmail..
KND mail is the way to go!
05.05.05 04:19
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Gmail number one: You are currently using 1 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Gmail number two: You are currently using 3 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Hehe, not much.

05.05.05 05:18
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I'm currently using 17 MB (1%) of the 2163 MB inbox.

That's only because I put an 11 MB file up there, otherwise, I'd still be using 0%.
05.05.05 13:07
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Gmail number one: You are currently using 1 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Gmail number two: You are currently using 3 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Hehe, not much.

why do you have 2 gmail accounts?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.05.05 22:56
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Quoted :: Khuzad

Gmail number one: You are currently using 1 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Gmail number two: You are currently using 3 MB (0%) of your 2162 MB.

Hehe, not much.

why do you have 2 gmail accounts?

Well, one is for use on forums and such, and the other is private.

06.05.05 05:59
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[G]the candy man
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im using 52mb which is 2%
i delete alot of my messages though
06.05.05 07:15
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Quoted :: The candy Man

im using 52mb which is 2%
i delete alot of my messages though

Why? There's 2166.474727 megabytes (and counting) of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message!

06.05.05 09:34
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You are currently using 61 MB (3%) of your 2168 MB.

Whose Line clips and the occasional transmit of files from the other compy. I do delete some of my messages though. Only the stupid ones.


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06.05.05 23:51
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7mb which equates to 0.003% full of 2169mb...

Learn to look, look to learn.
07.05.05 08:30
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31MB (1%) of 2169MB.


07.05.05 08:39
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Quoted :: The Pope

7mb which equates to 0.003% full of 2169mb...

No, 7mb of 2169mb is 0.32%

07.05.05 10:30
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I'm using 51MB (2.4435223605348087%)

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.05.05 10:46
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman

You are currently using 61 MB (3%) of your 2168 MB.

Whose Line clips and the occasional transmit of files from the other compy. I do delete some of my messages though. Only the stupid ones.

I would think everyone does. I delete stupid messages that I would never need in a million years. Like..password resets for a password I've already changed.
07.05.05 18:20
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Im only using like a meg and a half in my gmail, although its still the best email service out there:mrgreen:
12.06.05 05:49
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