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I have been saying this to many kids at my school, and don't think I'm insane for saying this. But how do you think you will die? I understand this is not a funny subject, and I'm not insulting it, but BTP is the only place I know where you can get the most interesting answers. Of course, if you want this to be funny, then be my guest.

I think I will die in an explosion of a building wall, the explosion won't kill me, but a pipe will fly and impale me in the eye coming out the other side.

30.04.05 02:49
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I will probably die in some common way like homicide, old age or a car crash...
30.04.05 03:40
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Orangie Orgy
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car fuck up
30.04.05 04:12
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I will never die!

30.04.05 05:05
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I'll be killed in an armed robbery...
30.04.05 05:07
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I will be killed by trying to hop the gap in the last bridge out of town which had coincidentally been blown up by a psyco terrorist 1 day before. of course im not gonna randomly try to hop it, i'll be being chased by my wifes brother who thinks im treating her badly because i didnt get her her "peanut buster parfait" the night before. as you could imagine, i would not make a 20 foot gap in a ford focus... and as i plummet to the water below, i will be thinking of the first time i painted the siding on a garage. odd eh? seems about right for the way im going right now...
30.04.05 06:02
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Now I said I wasn't going to make this funny, but this image... I'm only making fun of me.

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There gonna have fun closing the coffin.

30.04.05 06:07
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Old age in sleep. Meh, can't think of much.
30.04.05 07:11
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I'll die of laugh
30.04.05 08:29
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Probably like this.
30.04.05 14:39
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

probably from a pneumonie, cause people smoke around me :o
been coughing for 2 straight months now, meh

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01.05.05 01:13
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Quoted :: DarkOne

probably from a pneumonie, cause people smoke around me :o
been coughing for 2 straight months now, meh

Hm..I might die from that too. My parents both smoke and alot of my friends do too..
02.05.05 03:16
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Heart failure or heart attack for me I think... mine beats a bit fast.

Quoted :: tundraH

Probably like this.

You'll die of a gateway timeout? :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
02.05.05 05:55
Post #13
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