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I suppose some of you have been wondering why I have been inactive for about a week. This is because I have decided that I'm am moving out into the big wide world on my own.
I'm moving on in life and unfortunately I cannot take the internet with me.
We have to move on eventually in life and my time has come. So this, my last post, is my leaving of BTP, W:A, Contra Clan, and the internet.

To C1: here is the post I told you about. Sorry for the fact I actually had to post it.

To Joetheskimo5: I hope to see the new comic with the appearance of me in it. Once finished, could you email it to me.

So this, I bid farewell and good luck in the future for the rest of you, Worms will never grow old


*Note: this thread and it's post has been posted on Contra forums and BTP. For those who do not visit Contra and visit BTP, and of courese the other way around aswell.


24.04.05 19:30
Post #1
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[G]the candy man
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well good bye
nice knowing you

good luck in life
and may hardcore always live on :P
24.04.05 19:50
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You'll be back. I have faith in the powers of the mystical, magical, magnet.
24.04.05 20:38
Post #3
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How many people are we gonna lose?

25.04.05 02:21
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Well, considering this is the first person to leave since Jay left, not very many. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
25.04.05 02:26
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Well I guess, not to mention *cough*AbdBoy*cough* other people.

25.04.05 03:59
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Abdboy has been gone for AGES, but he still manages to pop in. At the very least, I expect RunT to come by every once in a while. Like I said, you can't deny the powers of the magnet.php :P.
25.04.05 12:56
Post #7
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Cya RunT, good luck in the future..

25.04.05 13:01
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Laters Runt, but let's hope the magnet makes that sooner rather than later.

Learn to look, look to learn.
25.04.05 16:12
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Are you moving into the big wide world or a cardboard box? Just get an internet connection! :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
25.04.05 21:25
Post #10
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, I'm back for the minute.
I'd just like to say that thanx fo al your good byes.
This is my final post ever. In acordance to Bloppy. No I am not moving into a cardbord box

Final post Ever. Good bye to you all


26.04.05 00:12
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Yeah, I'm really sure it's going to be your final post. I give him two weeks, tops, before he comes back with another 'final post' :P.
26.04.05 01:35
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Quoted :: Runt

I suppose some of you have been wondering why I have been inactive for about a week. This is because I have decided that I'm am moving out into the big wide world on my own.
I'm moving on in life and unfortunately I cannot take the internet with me.
We have to move on eventually in life and my time has come. So this, my last post, is my leaving of BTP, W:A, Contra Clan, and the internet.

To C1: here is the post I told you about. Sorry for the fact I actually had to post it.

To Joetheskimo5: I hope to see the new comic with the appearance of me in it. Once finished, could you email it to me.

So this, I bid farewell and good luck in the future for the rest of you, Worms will never grow old


*Note: this thread and it's post has been posted on Contra forums and BTP. For those who do not visit Contra and visit BTP, and of courese the other way around aswell.

It's fine. I killed the clan anyways. (check the forum if you haven't noticed.)
26.04.05 03:11
Post #13
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Quoted :: Runt

In acordance to Bloppy. No I am not moving into a cardbord box
I was joking. What I really was curious about is why can't you get an internet connection??

Last post eh, feel free to answer it whenever...


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
26.04.05 07:23
Post #14
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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As long as you have a phoneLine, You can get the internet. (Unless you don't want to suffer with Dial-Up)

26.04.05 15:07
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