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Poll: How long do you spend on BTP every day?
15-30 mins 4 users
30-60 mins 7 users
60-90 mins 3 users
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>120 mins 5 users
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Teh Cyborg
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Fall to the cyborg Worms

How long do you spend on BTP every day?

:D30-60 minutes:D

Fall to the cyborg Worms
:D :D
23.04.05 05:42
Post #1
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[]The Pope
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Around 30 minutes to an hour usually. I've the forum index set as my homepage for Firefox, so I'll often spend time reading posts.

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.04.05 08:36
Post #2
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I'm usually on from one to two hours, sometimes even more if I'm working on something. I come on three times a day usually, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. Plus, posting is great for my pulse stats.
23.04.05 15:56
Post #3
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Nice thread, I use about 30-60 min. Maybe more, maybe less, but usually around that.

23.04.05 16:15
Post #4
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Yeah, good idea for a thread. I'd say from an hour to 90 minutes.
23.04.05 18:56
Post #5
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om nom nom nom nom
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about half an hour for me. Longer if i load another firefox browser, since this is set as my homepage. But i dont usually have to do that with firefox
23.04.05 19:16
Post #6
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i usually have a btp tab open whenver i'm at the comp, so i'm here all the time - altho it is kinda my job to be here.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
23.04.05 21:03
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[]The Pope
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...just without the money.

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.04.05 21:55
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[G]the candy man
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i used to use it loads.... but ive not been on for much lately as im revising for my GCSE's
23.04.05 22:45
Post #9
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I just leave the tab open, so I'm here for ages. I spend about 15 minutes actually reading / posting though :|
24.04.05 16:15
Post #10
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<5 minutes per visit usually. I only check those topics i find of interest or use to me, then close the tab and switch to other tasks. I have the BTP chatroom open pretty much all day most of the time, though
24.04.05 16:33
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about 30-60 minutes normally. I check the posts I deem interesting and then move to check other forums.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
24.04.05 20:07
Post #12
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[]Star Worms
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It probably used to be about an hour but I rarely visit now. It'd probably be about 20 minutes every fortnight.

26.04.05 17:56
Post #13
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