
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheTypewriter » A day in my life

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not exacly 100% my life, name ect but whatever...

Oh BTW, the main character is caled steve, he has a friend called Dave and a Cyber pet called Luke


1, Faild love

Steve was in the pub drinking beer when an atractive woman walked into the bar. Steve placed his drink down and went to talk to her. He was just about to say 'hello' when Dave showed up. "Steve, Luke is Very un-happy" said Dave as he swung Steve's Cyber pet in front of him. "Piss off Dave!" Growed Steve "befor I cram a load of Episode one Merchendise down your Neck!" He added, he went back to the woman but she had gone. "Thanks Dave" Growled Steve. "For what?" Replyed Dave just befor Steve pummeled him into a pulp.

This is Steve's life...

Sad isn't it

13.04.05 19:14
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Last edited: 13.04.05 19:15 (neo-LW - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Indeed, it is sad, as he apparantly can't spell too well either :/.
13.04.05 20:46
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Maybe he was drunk.

14.04.05 13:26
Post #3
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om nom nom nom nom
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Quoted :: neo-LW

not exacly 100% my life, name ect but whatever...

Oh BTW, the main character is caled steve, he has a friend called Dave and a Cyber pet called Luke


1, Faild love

Steve was in the pub drinking beer when an atractive woman walked into the bar. Steve placed his drink down and went to talk to her. He was just about to say 'hello' when Dave showed up. "Steve, Luke is Very un-happy" said Dave as he swung Steve's Cyber pet in front of him. "Piss off Dave!" Growed Steve "befor I cram a load of Episode one Merchendise down your Neck!" He added, he went back to the woman but she had gone. "Thanks Dave" Growled Steve. "For what?" Replyed Dave just befor Steve pummeled him into a pulp.

This is Steve's life...

Sad isn't it

wow how utterly amazing, short and badly written.

But its not all bad. The concept of some kiddy nerd ruining a grown up "cool" persons chance for a girl is quite nice.

14.04.05 21:10
Post #4
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Clean up the spelling mistakes and make each bit you post longer.
This could turn into something quite interesting.


14.04.05 22:13
Post #5
Last edited: 14.04.05 22:13 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]

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