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Poll: Introduce ratings to BTScrewup?
Yey yes please 0 users
Why not 5 users
No, because Im lazy 2 users
GTFO kikumbob, thats such a lame idea 0 users
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Just to make things a little more fun on that page why not introduce ratings? It can be similar to (p)roper excuses.

Then again considering the lazinessness of the admins and the whole of the site
11.04.05 20:31
Post #1
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Sounds like a good idea to me, since rating excuses for roping.
We could also rate excuses about the pixel.
I vote 'Why Not'


11.04.05 20:49
Post #2
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It's not so much that the admins are lazy in this case, as it is... well... how much use the page actually gets. Which, I think is rather low.
11.04.05 20:57
Post #3
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...because it isnt very fun. And this is one way to make it fun.
11.04.05 21:18
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one of us needs to write a decent straightforward ratings plugin like the current comments code.

I'll mark it as todo.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.04.05 22:22
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12.04.05 13:39
Post #6
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Quoted :: ReadMe

one of us needs to write a decent straightforward ratings plugin like the current comments code.

I'll mark it as todo.

How about I make typing posts easier for you admins.

$post = str_replace('todo', 'least important', $post);
$post = str_replace('soon', 'never', $post);
30.04.05 10:37
Post #7
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30.04.05 15:17
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How about I make typing posts easier for you admins.

$post = str_replace('todo', 'least important', $post);
$post = str_replace('soon', 'never', $post);

You doubt, the powerfel knowledge of teh Readhim? I think he would know what to do ;o
30.04.05 18:43
Post #9
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