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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: Runt


-t -y



31.03.05 16:54
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31.03.05 17:21
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Quoted :: Meiapaul


As in one person, singular. As in Deadcode, by himself.

And the rope knocking implimentation is not a final measure. Eventually, it will be an option in schemes to have it on or off, instead of affecting all schemes like it does now.
31.03.05 21:46
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: Meiapaul


As in one person, singular. As in Deadcode, by himself.

And the rope knocking implimentation is not a final measure. Eventually, it will be an option in schemes to have it on or off, instead of affecting all schemes like it does now.

What about missions? Would it be on or off in the final version?
31.03.05 22:05
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Probably off, as it would make sense in the pre-created missions (we can't make them too easy). However, user-create missions, which will most likely be doable, are up in the air. But my answer would be most probably yes.
01.04.05 01:30
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Quoted :: Glenn

This applies to Offline Multiplayer and Quick CPU games, but not to Training, Missions, Deathmatch games, or LAN games.

I rest my case C1 :P


01.04.05 04:01
Post #21
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: Glenn

This applies to Offline Multiplayer and Quick CPU games, but not to Training, Missions, Deathmatch games, or LAN games.

I rest my case C1 :P

I'm talking about the FINAL version. This isn't the final version.

Quoted :: Glenn

Probably off, as it would make sense in the pre-created missions (we can't make them too easy). However, user-create missions, which will most likely be doable, are up in the air. But my answer would be most probably yes.

So does this mean Glenn that the final version will have user mission creation enabled?

01.04.05 20:37
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Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on how things work out. It's already been decided that fiddler options will be included in the final, so user missions are only really a stone's throw away.
02.04.05 02:24
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Quoted :: Glenn

Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on how things work out. It's already been decided that fiddler options will be included in the final, so user missions are only really a stone's throw away.

I like to throw stones at people.

Well, if they plan to add missions, WWP would basically be opsolete after they're added :P Mind you, it basically already is :P

You could* say T17 is throwing a stone at WWP lol..
02.04.05 12:29
Post #24
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Yes, WWP will technically be obsolete, which is why it's also proposed that Deadcode will make a client allowing people with WWP Cds to play on WormNet 1, thus joining the Worms Community together.
02.04.05 22:20
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Quoted :: Glenn

Yes, WWP will technically be obsolete, which is why it's also proposed that Deadcode will make a client allowing people with WWP Cds to play on WormNet 1, thus joining the Worms Community together.

But, if Deadcode does do this, won't this bring all the n00bs /newbies from WWP to W:A?
Making life a living hell!


03.04.05 04:05
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But the Worms Community is alot more likely to survive with all the experienced players on one WormNet, instead of them being split up between two. The life of the Community is more important than the idiots that may come with it.

Then again, maybe the idiots won't realize it if and when the program is released to allow WWP on WormNet 1 :P.
04.04.05 01:07
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Yeah, hide it from the n00bs so they can't find the program :P
04.04.05 19:48
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