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Poll: What do we do?
More Pranks... 0 users
More Gameshows... 0 users
Crap Vid Game Parodies... 4 users
Funny Incorrect History Lessons... 3 users
Stop the whole gig 3 users
Have "Hashmir" do a rap! 3 users
Do a Shack Rant! 1 users
Don't do nothin yet, I wanna be included. 3 users
Abstain 1 votes
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Please select the poll, if you want something then vote for it. Don't feel stupid picking. For example, if we get votes for more pranks I do not want to fucking want to read complaints for something you wanted cuz we were "immature". This is just plain comedy. Shack Rants can be over 200MB files and prolly could nvr touch btp unless there short. If you wanna be included, then speak up.

23.02.05 03:11
Post #1
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Video game parodies. Will be another audio file or will video play a part.
Video could be interesting.

Anyways, thats what I voted for


23.02.05 03:18
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Incorrect History Lessons would be entertaining :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
23.02.05 10:12
Post #3
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Personally, I'd like to see either Celebrity Jeapordy (yeah, the Saturday Night Live skit), or Whose Line skits.

But, since those aren't in the poll, I choose the History Lessons.
23.02.05 14:59
Post #4
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Glenn... That would fall in the game show choice. If people are gonna vote to include them you have to post and say you do because I can't firgure out who you are.

24.02.05 01:40
Post #5
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"Have 'Hashmir' do a rap!" sounds funny! :D

25.02.05 14:19
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Quoted :: Zippy

If people are gonna vote to include them you have to post and say you do because I can't firgure out who you are.

I vote stop the whole gig, because you haven't made me laugh. Ever.
25.02.05 14:40
Post #7
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

I vote stop the whole gig, because you haven't made me laugh. Ever.

Well theres one word for people like you Meia.

Boring :P


25.02.05 16:16
Post #8
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heh, nah, thats scathing humour. The prank stuff isnt.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.02.05 19:20
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Well, I made a little history short. Probably the crappiest damn video you'll ever see.

Download It!

26.02.05 04:24
Post #10
Last edited: 26.02.05 04:25 (Zippy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ROFL... I should have voted for History Lessons now.
That was cool, look forward to longer ones in the future


26.02.05 15:01
Post #11
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ROFL, that was brilliant. Keep on making them!

26.02.05 15:09
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Haha.. When I find the time I will. I'll try to make them longer. That one I made, I was kind of in a hurry.

28.02.05 02:31
Post #13
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[G]the candy man
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lol Crap video game parodes are great....
look at this one
28.02.05 08:12
Post #14
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: Zippy

If people are gonna vote to include them you have to post and say you do because I can't firgure out who you are.

I vote stop the whole gig, because you haven't made me laugh. Ever.

He speaks the truth.

28.02.05 11:58
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