
BTForumGeneral Clan Forums[BTP] Clan ForumName change?

Poll: Change name?
[BTP] 10 users
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I suggest we rename the clan to

Clan [BTP]

wewt. A generic games clan.

We can still discriminate all we like too. And be apathetic and stuff.

Without being tied down to ABD, which is rediculous given the guy buggered off.
20.01.05 12:00
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Clan BTP gets my full support. Either that or Clan 322 :lol:.
20.01.05 14:51
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Glenn

Clan BTP gets my full support. Either that or Clan 322 :lol:.

Clan 322, Glenn your brilliant!
[BTP] sounds better because its initals stands for something, ABD doesnt, but I dont wanna dis Hershey

edit: sell it, [BTP] it is!
20.01.05 19:03
Post #3
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Keep it BTP!

Although, Clan 322 does sound appealing...


20.01.05 22:26
Post #4
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[G]the candy man
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[BTP] gets my vote....

only btp members can join clan btp?
21.01.05 15:48
Post #5
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I think it should be the respected members of BTP, like me, candy man, Jay, etc..


21.01.05 17:00
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Quoted :: Runt

I think it should be the respected members of BTP, like me, candy man, Jay, etc..

With the exception of Jeigh, my view of respected and your view of respected differ quite considerably ;)
21.01.05 18:12
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wewt im respected by the meia.
21.01.05 18:45
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Quoted :: The candy Man

[BTP] gets my vote....

only btp members can join clan btp?

not really, we can recruit those willing to participate in BTP and the forums... but meh.
21.01.05 18:57
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: Runt

I think it should be the respected members of BTP, like me, candy man, Jay, etc..

With the exception of Jeigh, my view of respected and your view of respected differ quite considerably ;)

Whats that supposed to mean?


21.01.05 19:39
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Im his favourite, Deal with it ^_^
21.01.05 20:05
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: Runt

I think it should be the respected members of BTP, like me, candy man, Jay, etc..

With the exception of Jeigh, my view of respected and your view of respected differ quite considerably ;)

When you think about it though, if you have a rating of 20, you must be doing something right... But I wouldn't say you can REALLY be respected (you can be pseudo-respected per say) unless you've become a bluie. The noted exception to this is TundraH.
21.01.05 21:32
Post #12
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Arguably, yes. But you forgot respected non-blue people such as DarkOne. And I don't respect all social users, but meh. I was only making a sinical joke type thing Runt ;)
21.01.05 21:48
Post #13
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Orangie Orgy
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Blueies are the ones who survived making it to 1000 posts and still being a posting member of this society :P
(tho it seems some stop after the 1000 mark)
22.01.05 00:27
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

I was only making a sinical joke type thing Runt ;)

No harm done


22.01.05 16:18
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