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Hey Megalomaniac
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If you piss off someone who's tired, you get turned into tender vittles. Trust me, it ain't pretty.


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12.01.05 21:47
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Quoted :: C1

hilusinations (sp?).

Hallucinations. Woah, that's a pretty freaky story :o
12.01.05 22:09
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I'm thankful I haven't had any experience of such things. Particularly in public. Running away screaming from a monster that's not there isn't particularly good for your social status...


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12.01.05 22:11
Post #18
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I'm thankful I get good grades lol
12.01.05 22:52
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Call Knifa. He'll do it.

13.01.05 02:47
Post #20
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I know what pope's going through, i have a ton of probs sleeping, check out my pot times, most are in the wee hours of the morning.

Though i stiill work on the movies, even at that hour.
13.01.05 06:49
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Quoted :: C1

Eventually he couldn't sleep or he'd have perminate brain damage

13.01.05 16:43
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[]The Pope
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Shame C1, would've meant you could've had one more thing in common with your friend.

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.01.05 18:22
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Quoted :: The Pope

Shame C1, would've meant you could've had one more thing in common with your friend.

Well, maybe you'll have the same problem, and have perminate brain damage ;)
13.01.05 23:07
Post #24
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OOO you got tooold
13.01.05 23:11
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

OOO you got tooold

I think the saying 'pwned' would be better instead of 'tooold'


14.01.05 03:43
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[]The Pope
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That was a crap come back; I was certainly not 'told' either :P

I got the best sleep I've ever had last night, so I'm back up to speed now.

Learn to look, look to learn.
14.01.05 07:48
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Good. Two days and it's Sunday! Go work on the Sunday Blamer now.
14.01.05 15:46
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Do I have problems if I want hillucinations? I've always fancied seeing new things.

Wait, don't answer that, I already know i have problems :lol:
15.01.05 00:44
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Quoted :: SPAZ

Do I have problems if I want hillucinations? I've always fancied seeing new things.

I have them, their funny. I once saw a peice of paper get up and dance.
Before any of you ask 'Is it becuase of drugs?' it's wasn't.
No sleep for about 4 - 5 days, went to one too many all-night raves


15.01.05 17:51
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