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Poll: Sick idea for a game?
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

I recently installed a demo of this, and i was very tempted so i bought it. It's like a very small game (1 level) so it only costs a bit ($11.74 or £6.27 inc VAT) The main idea is to assume the role of Lee Harvey Oswald and to assassinate President JF Kennedy. The motorcade enters the plaza, with a driver, and agent, a general and his wife and of course the president and his wife. They are followed by a car of special agents (8 of them) and some police on bikes. There is no running around and fighting, but to try and replicate the shots that supposedly Oswald shot. The motorcade continues down the street towards your vantage point on the 6th floor of a building, but then it makes a sharp tuen towards a motorway underpass as they realize they are late for a luncheon. Before they reach it, 3 shots are fired. Its up to you to try and simulate the shots that were fired in 1963. The bullet is affected by gravity and it wont hit instantly, so you have to time your shots. BUT, you dont have to do it that way, unless you want the score.. You could shoot the driver and then go for kennedy, or see what the agents do if you shoot them. Part of the whole thing is the replicating of the shots. There is a froensic score, for the entry and exit points and the likes, and the idea is to get it as high as possible out of 1000. You can also enter the competition for getting as close to Oswald's shots to win up to $100,000 (£53,000)

I have the full game and its very addictive. My high score is 591 for any other players. But i warn you to do some resarch (links on site) as to the bullet wounds, the timing and so on to get as accurate as possible to obtain a high score.

An image!
07.01.05 20:42
Post #1
Last edited: 07.01.05 20:43 (Squelchymcphee - 1 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

OMG double post!
i recorded a replay from the game for anyone whos interested and has BroadBand....

An image!
19.01.05 19:56
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For some reason the movie is still in winamp but it has the sound..
19.01.05 20:58
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

what what the what not?
care to explain that comment?

An image!
19.01.05 21:07
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Quoted :: C1

For some reason the movie is still in winamp but it has the sound..

I have the same problem with Red Vs Blue. Try using DivX player from the DivX site.

19.01.05 21:18
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

OMG double post!
i recorded a replay from the game for anyone whos interested and has BroadBand....

This link to the movie, is what I downloaded.
I played it in winamp.
The movie has sound but it gets stuck on the first frame and does not move.
19.01.05 21:19
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Heh, I installed this demo too. Got it free with PC Gamer magazine.
Very strange

Edit: w00t! 800th post. Only 200 more posts to becoming a bluie


19.01.05 21:33
Post #7
Last edited: 19.01.05 21:34 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I find it interesting that they made such a small game and then people it for money. Quite a nice idea really, with the competition and all.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
20.01.05 03:32
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: C1

For some reason the movie is still in winamp but it has the sound..

I have the same problem with Red Vs Blue. Try using DivX player from the DivX site.

Oh okay. Will some point.
20.01.05 04:39
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

yeah, sorry i shoulda said. I recorded it using FRAPS, but then compressed it using a DivX 5 codec :/

An image!
20.01.05 10:47
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