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Very simple suggestion really. I'm a bit annoyed with the ridiculously small comment box on the comment pages, and would prefer it a bit wider. There is loads of space horizontally, so there is really no need for it to be so small.

If this is a big fuss to change, and it would bear having to change the coding on every single page, then forget about it, but otherwise I would like to see it done.

06.01.05 16:48
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Thats a good idea, I'm with Khuzad on this.

Make the box bigger!


06.01.05 17:40
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[G]the candy man
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yeah...ill go with this one.....

there is a big load of greyness that could be filed in
06.01.05 18:09
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If you're going to extend the comment box, then you might as well extend the quick reply box as well. There's lots of left over space there as well.
In fact, if it hasn't been fixed as of yet (it probably has), it'd serve to fix the center table span as well.

Edit: I tested it, and it's been fixed. But extending quick post would still be useful... somewhat...
06.01.05 21:31
Post #4
Last edited: 06.01.05 21:32 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Fair point, but if this keeps happening and someone else votes for something else to made bigger. The admins will end up just saying no altogether.
So we should just leave it as the comment box I think.


06.01.05 21:41
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Well, there's only so many things within reason that you could viably ask for larger sizes for. The majority of these (which I won't mention for those that would start thinking about them if I did), are fine the way they are. The comment box and reply are also adequately big, but I wouldn't mind a larger box for them, since it's not going to make the page load slower or anything. Assuming, of course, that it wouldn't be hell to code in the first place.
07.01.05 01:40
Post #6
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