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Can we have an option like this at BTP for all the new posts? This would save me time looking through each forum..
04.01.05 21:56
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there's the top 10 unread posts on the home page, atm the priority is the designs system, anything else apart from bug fixes takes backseat as far I and I assume CB are concerned.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.01.05 22:01
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Quoted :: ReadMe

there's the top 10 unread posts on the home page, atm the priority is the designs system, anything else apart from bug fixes takes backseat as far I and I assume CB are concerned.

But it doesn't show ALL new posts..
04.01.05 22:06
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What do you think the stars on the forums and threads are for silly? :P

Seriously, I know what you're talking about. But really, it's not neccessary. You're inevitably going to visit every forum you care about anyway, and you'll see that the thread has new posts, or a new thread has been created. So why bother with a page grouping them all in one place.
05.01.05 03:22
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Quoted :: Glenn

What do you think the stars on the forums and threads are for silly? :P

Seriously, I know what you're talking about. But really, it's not neccessary. You're inevitably going to visit every forum you care about anyway, and you'll see that the thread has new posts, or a new thread has been created. So why bother with a page grouping them all in one place.

Yeah but there are so many links =\ I'm lazy.
05.01.05 04:07
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Use forum subscriptions!

05.01.05 16:17
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And get tonnes of PMs!

05.01.05 16:31
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Quoted :: HarrY

Use forum subscriptions!

I view every thread.
05.01.05 20:48
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Having a New Posts page would be useful. At least if I go and visit BTP just to see some new posts, i would just need to go to this page and they all come in front of my eyes! No hassle clicking on every forum with a star on them.
05.01.05 20:57
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At least someone sees the same views as me :D
05.01.05 21:27
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Or, you know, you could just do what I do. I open every forum at one time. And then once those are loaded, I open all the threads at one time. Of course, this can result in an unloaded/incomplete page sometimes, but then you just refresh.
05.01.05 21:31
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Quoted :: Glenn

Or, you know, you could just do what I do. I open every forum at one time. And then once those are loaded, I open all the threads at one time. Of course, this can result in an unloaded/incomplete page sometimes, but then you just refresh.

I do that but when I finish one forum, someone's posted in the others! It's HORRIBLE :|
05.01.05 21:35
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Then you go back to forumindex.php and start over again with the new posts. Or, you can do the less efficent route of leaving the forum windows open and refreshing them after you've viewed every thread. But that's redundant for any forums that didn't get a new post.
06.01.05 01:51
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So have this newposts page and when all new posts have been checked out, refresh the newposts page and see if any new ones have came. Very quick.
06.01.05 13:25
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

So have this newposts page and when all new posts have been checked out, refresh the newposts page and see if any new ones have came. Very quick.

Yet it's still not that useful since you can acheive the same effect by refreshing forumindex.php.
Truth be told, I have never used a new posts page in my year and a half on forums. It's just easier to open everything else and see for yourself than see one page with a long list of stuff out of different forums.
06.01.05 21:29
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