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Poll: What do you think of this new design?
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Black websites are symbolistic od porn and warez sites. Though white text on a black background provides the highest posable contrast that is still very readable. I for one like this design..

Quoted :: "ZoGgEr"


06.01.05 05:24
Post #31
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your evil zogger. EVIL INCARNATE

06.01.05 14:07
Post #32
Last edited: 06.01.05 14:07 (Jay - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'm having the design auto-switch problem aswell. As soon as i set the design to UCI, it returns to the design i had before as soon as i go to another page. Unpleasant, considering that my favourite DarkBlue which i was using seems to have been removed

Guess CB is still forcing us to the Map style then
07.01.05 10:56
Post #33
Last edited: 07.01.05 11:19 (XxSpIDerxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i had a prob kinda like that on my own forums.. I dont know if BTP uses template catching, but my forums do. If you clear your cache and cookies after chosing a style, it may help. then again, it may not. thats what it was on my site. this could be something totally different.
07.01.05 12:12
Post #34
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clear the cache.
07.01.05 13:23
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Or you could use Ctrl+F5 to force a recache of the current page. That way, if it is a design problem and not your cache, you won't be forced to reload all the images on this site and others (which takes much longer than you'd think).
07.01.05 14:00
Post #36
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I always keep the cache level as low as possible anyway. To save disk space.
Also i have a 1.1 mbps connection so images take no time at too load as it is


07.01.05 16:06
Post #37
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Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

I'm having the design auto-switch problem aswell. As soon as i set the design to UCI, it returns to the design i had before as soon as i go to another page. Unpleasant, considering that my favourite DarkBlue which i was using seems to have been removed

Guess CB is still forcing us to the Map style then

make sure you only have one tab open at a time, or else ensure that all pages are changed at the same time

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.01.05 00:26
Post #38
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