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Poll: What will be our new clan name?
Section 8 1 users
Destructive Noob Assasinators 9 users
Abstain 1 votes
(11 votes have been cast so far)Poll Closed

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So here we go, the final crunch before I get to the nitty gritty of a new site. Lets get a final decision done so I can get to work sooner. The poll will be open for a week but if there is an obvious winner then I will leave it to that name. Your two choices are:

Section 8
Destructive Noob Assasinators.

Members of WAN and DMT are asked to vote in this but non-members of the clan may vote and/or post opinions if they so wish


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

03.01.05 12:35
Post #1
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Well, section 8 is a sucky, newbieish name... (no offence Dvious, enjoy being in WX!). DNA is a cool abbreveation, with a reletively good name, so I vote DNA.
05.01.05 19:23
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You will laugh, but i accidentally voted for Section 8.

So count out one vote for S8 and add it to DNA... or some user admin could do that...

Sorry for that accident.

05.01.05 20:34
Post #3
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Will do that. Poll changed due to DeathBringers accidental mistake


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05.01.05 20:58
Post #4
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Heh, looks like DNA will win as your new clan name guys!


05.01.05 21:27
Post #5
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I have to stand by DNA. It just sounds cool. Plus its abbreviated form is a good mix of DMT and WAN. So I shalt vote for that ;)


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05.01.05 22:16
Post #6
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dammit mine is a good idea and once ppl realise then this clan will be supperior but untill then DNA is all good, so when does this tag officially start?
06.01.05 23:04
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I think people are voting for the other one as it kinda does what Pilki wanted.
Merge DMT and WAN together. Plus, it sounds better too.
Section 8 is some sort of boy racer clan


07.01.05 03:25
Post #8
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[G]the candy man
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welcome to "section 8" sounds good

But welcome to clan "section 8" sounds crap.....

so i choose the other one
07.01.05 08:22
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Section 8 has lost anyway.

The Winner is:

Destructive Noob Assasinators!

You may now change your clan tags to DNA and that is what the merge of WAN an d DMT will be known as. I will now start working on the website for DNA.

Could all members of DMT and WAN please e-mail me their details as follows for the new site:

Wormnet Name
do you have msn?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

07.01.05 13:39
Post #10
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