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^^ no fair zog you didn't post what ya got for christmas.

To settle the age thing, my birthday is on christmas day, and that means im 22 now ..


I have been gaming for as long as i can remember. I love computers and gaming consoles (except x-box, the controlers hurt my gigantic hands to use).

Old... nah, not yet.
Im still young dumb and full of cum, just like the rest of you's. Old enough to know better, too young to care.

But i do love my wife, we have been maried for 2 years now. We enjoy the quiet life of working and onling gaming. We live in the deep boondox where the nearest store is (i shit you not) 8 miles away. The nearest bar is 10 miles, and my family is about 15.

Despite the iscolation we enjoy not hearing sirens scream by our house at 2AM like in most cities. But yeah, we also dont get out much. Online gaming and IM is about the only contact we have with the outside world. Which is why i have cleared 80 posts already. Part bordem, partly just cuz im opinionated :)

27.12.04 12:57
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Very bad luck on having your birthday right on the christmas day. You get gifts once in an year, not twice! (Twice = Christmas and birthday. With them together, only once)

Oh, and mine:
Worms Forts Under Siege
a radio pencil! =D
Lovely money!
27.12.04 15:52
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I gotz:

-San Andreas (PS2)
-Some clothes including 3 hoodies
-Half Life 2

Just that ammount can get me through.

28.12.04 23:26
Post #33
Last edited: 28.12.04 23:27 (Zippy - 2 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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"lovely money"..

what are the odds you play runescape?.. when you examine your money ingame thats exatly what it says.. so long as your not examining over 100K.. then it just tells you the exact amount of coins that are there.

A radio pencil?.. wth is that?
30.12.04 07:35
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Christmas Crackers not included

Not one christmas cracker this year for me. My mum didn't buy any


30.12.04 13:01
Post #35
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Quoted :: keeper

"lovely money"..

what are the odds you play runescape?.. when you examine your money ingame thats exatly what it says.. so long as your not examining over 100K.. then it just tells you the exact amount of coins that are there.

A radio pencil?.. wth is that?

I think it tells you how many coins you haev any time, but if you ask for a description of the coins it says "Lovely money"
30.12.04 19:14
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At least i have chicken!
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Quoted :: keeper

A radio pencil?.. wth is that?

A pencil with,
wait for it.......

a radio on!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

31.12.04 01:29
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