
BTForum » General Clan Forums » DMT Clan Forum » New Clan Name Poll

Poll: What should be our new Clan Name?
Destructive Noob Assasinators 3 users
Section 8 3 users
Daily Newb Assistors 0 users
Designed for Noob Annihaliation 1 users
Other Idea not mentioned but will post 2 users
Abstain 1 votes
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As the edited poll did not work, here is the poll for the new clan name. Post away any other ideas, I am happy to hear them all!


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

08.12.04 13:32
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[G]the candy man
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and why dont you just leave it as DMT...
whatever that stands for
12.12.04 13:31
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Quoted :: The candy Man

and why dont you just leave it as DMT...
whatever that stands for

DMT = Destructive Mayhem Team

Anyways, I stay by my idea of
Destructive n00b Assassins


12.12.04 15:55
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[G]the candy man
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gl with a banned team leader.....or isnt he team leader anymore?
13.12.04 21:52
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No, he isn't anymore.

He passed the clan to me but I didn't want it. So Pilki took it instead.


14.12.04 16:55
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[G]the candy man
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hmmmm sounds really successfull?

ps how the fuck do you spell successfull....i
14.12.04 17:35
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That be the right spelling.

Right now my site design is on hold until i get a good response from people about name ideas. ALthough keeping DMT can still be an option but remember we are merging DMT with WAN


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

17.12.04 13:12
Post #7
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lol see we never had that much interest anyway
17.12.04 18:17
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Then it would be an idea to get interest back into this clan.

For example we could get into clan wars and leagues and such


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

17.12.04 22:33
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Also, you could expand it to W:A aswell, even though you only have WWP.
Someone could be co-leader for WWP, and leader for W:A until you get it.

That would get more people active me thinks


18.12.04 05:07
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That was exactly in my mind as well. It should work in becoming more active methinks and youthinks :P

When I get W:A the co-leader would still be present but also a co-leader for WWP, that way we can have more than one rep in each game


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

18.12.04 11:07
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I voted for "Destructive Noob Assasinators".
Though i personally think "Designed for Newbie Assistance" would better suit the clan's ego.

And, i've seen WAN people on W:A... isn't WAN a W:A clan too?

I can be a co-leader for W:A if you want me to. I play W:A now a bit more then WWP.

19.12.04 05:04
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In my opinion calling the clan "Designed for Newbie Assistance" is just another way of renaming WAN, without much input from the DMT side.

WAN is a W:A clan as well. And since you seem to have a good outlook on the goings on in W:A, DB you are the co-leader for W:A


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

19.12.04 11:02
Post #13
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I would steer clear of having "noob" in your name, it makes you look like, well, noobs
19.12.04 21:09
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Wewt @ i'm the co-leader! Will take that job with honor.

'Bout DNA, but isn't it WAN merge with DMT? :) Well, if you don't want that, then i'd change "Designed for Noob Armageddon" to "Designed for Noob Annihilation". Noob Armageddon still looks for me like the time where noobs will fall from the sky like meteorites and cause armageddon everywhere...

meiapaul (why i always read your name as Mediapaul?),
But how otherwise you'd show that we're against noobs/teaching newbies and also leaving the abbreviation as "DNA"?

20.12.04 20:11
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