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Quoted :: madknifa


Note the period.

What about it? Is there any special significance? Will it do tricks for me if I watch it long enough?
I still think it would be good if users could at least present their case before bannage though...

Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: madknifa

Note the period.

What about the period?
You want us to praise you for using good grammar?

Evidentally, you don't recognize how little punctuation knifa has. Especially with the chat room disease going around :lol:.
16.12.04 22:05
Post #31
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i was under the impression the period was to be taken a sa FULL STOP

as in

NO, FULL STOP ( dont bitch, dont moan, just shut up )

17.12.04 12:41
Post #32
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Quoted :: HarrY

Quoted :: madknifa

Note the period.

What about the period?
You want us to praise you for using good grammar?

A verbal contract is legally binding the only problem is that you have to prove it, which is hard to do, also minors (persons under the age of 18) have special rules for contract law, i think they might be able to back thier way out of it. (I take GCSE law, can you tell?)
The period emphasises his point :)

Quoted :: minigunweilder

Could i sue because somebody because they said they would do something and never did it?

If you had a legally binding contract, yes


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

19.12.04 22:40
Post #33
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I didnt say all of those things....
20.12.04 18:42
Post #34
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Yes you did.:D
20.12.04 23:28
Post #35
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There I edited it! Happy?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

24.12.04 11:28
Post #36
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24.12.04 11:50
Post #37
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At least i have chicken!
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don't be sarcastic! Also when is this court thingie going to satrt? Or is it not going to start?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

24.12.04 18:55
Post #38
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It isn't going to start. Suggestions never happen, especially good ones., LIKE CHANGING THE POSTS PER PAGE!
24.12.04 19:13
Post #39
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Admins are lazy. What can you expect :P
24.12.04 19:47
Post #40
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Quoted :: C1

Admins are lazy. What can you expect :P

*sigh* What would BTP be like with un-lazy admins? :P


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

24.12.04 20:02
Post #41
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A castle with golden towers, and perfect code with a flawless site.

Or perhaps the same with just a forum that can have the option to choose how many posts we want per page.

Or it would just be slow from all the useless options =\
24.12.04 20:32
Post #42
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Hah, you say that last comment like the current ones are useful ;)
24.12.04 21:16
Post #43
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

It isn't going to start. Suggestions never happen, especially good ones., LIKE CHANGING THE POSTS PER PAGE!

Yes, that would be very useful indeed. I would view the whole thread on one page, if I had the choice.

25.12.04 07:53
Post #44
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At least i have chicken!
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Quoted :: Meiapaul

It isn't going to start. Suggestions never happen, especially good ones., LIKE CHANGING THE POSTS PER PAGE!

Yes, that would be very useful indeed. I would view the whole thread on one page, if I had the choice.

But wouldn't that take a long time to load especially if the thread had many pictures/images on it?!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

26.12.04 12:31
Post #45
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