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An image!

anouther pet pixel fuck up,..err eh, fix it! XD


The bunny owns you :>)
06.12.04 19:26
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I already posted that bug. Readme fixed it.
06.12.04 21:06
Post #2
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Whats was the fuck with the pixel pet thing?
07.12.04 01:14
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It wanted feeding even when it was full, whichyou could CLEARLY see by examining the screenshot.
Hint: Look at the pixel alert, and the warning, anc compare the two. Wait, you can't because you're using dodgy IE. Get a better browser!

Click this link to see it:
07.12.04 05:14
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Orangie Orgy
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Schools browser!
(obviously >_>)
07.12.04 05:31
Post #5
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Why do people insist in calling threads "wtf?!" It is quite clear that a thread will suck with a name like that.
07.12.04 20:40
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Why do people insist in calling threads "wtf?!" It is quite clear that a thread will suck with a name like that.

Because amazingly enough, not everybody exists on the same plain of intelligence as us, Meia.
07.12.04 21:39
Post #7
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Actually, its because some people are just in a bad mood and make the thread sound not really importante but it is really importante.
07.12.04 22:46
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Actually, its because some people are just in a bad mood and make the thread sound not really importante but it is really importante.

Importante? sounds like em-port-en-tay.
08.12.04 04:32
Post #9
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