
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » What the flying f*ck?

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I visited faq.php before I signed up, and yes it is in the faq.

Quoted :: faq.php

Question: What other interesting things are there?

Answer: Well, you can use /me to give a link to your own profile, Non-existant! to make a link to a specific file, and []username to make a link to a user's profile.
06.12.04 01:05
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I hate to post something like this after the fact, but he is right, I just checked the FAQ page and it's there in Forum Questions -> What other interesting things are there? Also, there's a link down here in quick reply to make a ulink.

Edit: Incidentally, I posted my first ulink within a day of joining the forum...
06.12.04 01:59
Post #32
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this is what happens afterword. Kyle in a can!
06.12.04 02:01
Post #33
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