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Orangie Orgy
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Yes, including long posts where theres no commas OR periods. This makes it hard to see where to start and stop on a sentence to understand it.
04.12.04 23:08
Post #31
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I used to be a wanna-be and type like this: i m a good person. r u a good person?
Not as gay as that but you get the point.
05.12.04 01:51
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My parent's don't annoy me very much. My dad will say, "Nick, come here" when I'm on worms or UT online but other than that nothing much. My mom is never really annoying. My parents FULLY accept the fact I'm a computer nerd. They kind of encourage it too. If I get a bad grade in school they'll keep bringing up the fact about me not going to be a Video Game designer/Cartooning business.

05.12.04 05:13
Post #33
Last edited: 05.12.04 05:14 (Zippy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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My mom is embarrasing and my dad won't let me go on the computer because he thinks its "bad for your eyes". But Besides that, they are the best parents EVER!
05.12.04 16:27
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Quoted :: SS
because he thinks its "bad for your eyes"

News flash! It is bad for your eyes. But it isn't so bad that it's going to affect you right away. It takes many long hours of sitting infront of the computer for it to really have an affect. As long as you take the recomendation to take a short break every hour or two, you'll be fine.
05.12.04 19:07
Post #35
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well, honestly, my parents are pretty good parents, and I wouldn't trade them for the parents everyone else I know has, but I WOULD like to have a dad who actually cared that I'm really good at something that isn't mechanics.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
06.12.04 03:57
Post #36
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At least i have chicken!
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Yes, i can honestly say my pearants are ok. My dad moans at me a lot but i think he wants me to think about what im doing rather than make dumbass mistakes all teh time!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

06.12.04 21:54
Post #37
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My mom annoys me when im reading and my dad is sort of stupid, maybe hes not, maybe its just meh, i dunno.

! I already knew it was bad for your eyes! Its just annoying because he says it all the time and i berly get to go on the computer
07.12.04 02:07
Post #38
Last edited: 07.12.04 02:10 (SegaSonic - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Then why don't you take the time out to do the logical thing and explain to him the relatively nonexistant danger of computer radiation instead of commenting on the fact that he does it here?
07.12.04 05:12
Post #39
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In English please, or at least english that this 11 year old body can understand.
07.12.04 23:45
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Tell him that computers aren't that bad for your eyes and be done with it.
08.12.04 01:24
Post #41
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My parents yell at me sometimes, but I guess I desurve it when they do, I get into a lot of trouble somtimes :oops:.
08.12.04 02:47
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